In Allah We Trust

In Allah We Trust
A New Hope

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Penembak MH17 Bukan Pengganas: Mereka Adalah Pejuang.

Seluruh negara berasa sedih dengan apa yang terjadi kepada penerbangan MH17 yang telah ditembak jatuh. Kami di Christian United For Malaysia amat bersedih diatas perkara ini. Lebih menyedihkan adalah ianya merupakan tragedi kedua yang terjadi melibatkan kapal terbang Syarikat Penerbangan Malaysia (MAS).
                Justeru itu kami telah menyalakan lilin untuk para penumpang dan krew kabin yang bekerja di dalam pesawat MH17 itu. Semoga mereka akan tenang di dalam pelukkan Yesus. Walau bagaimanapun terdapat banyak teori yang mengatakan tentang kemalangan yang benar-benar menyentuh hati rakyat Malaysia.
                Tidak kurang pula dengan mereka yang membela kerajaan Malaysia dan MAS yang sememangnya perlu dipersalahkan di dalam  perkara ini. Jika tidak kerana ketidak cekapan mereka dalam menjalankan tugas, bagaimana perkara ini boleh  terjadi sebanyak dua kali. Apakah pihak MAS terlalu ambil lewa tentang keselamat anak kapal dan krew mereka?
                Mungkin MAS yang cuai dan mungkin juga Kerajaan Malaysia yang cuai dan mungkin juga pilot penerbangan MH17 yang cuai. Segalanya berlaku sebegitu pantas dan akhirnya hampir 300 nyawa melayang. Ada pihak berpendapat bahawa pesawat itu ditembak kerana menjelajah ke dalam kawasan perang yang tidak selamat.

                Bagi pendapat penulis, kesilapan terbesar yang berlaku di sini bukanlah kesalahan para penembak tetapi ianya kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh diri kita sendiri. Sudah tahu ingin berlepas di dalam kawasan perang, megapa langkah-langkah keselamatan extra tidak diambil.
                Untuk pengetahuan umum, MH17 bukanlah ditembak oleh pengganas atau pemberontak tetapi ianya telah ditembak oleh pejuang yang berada di kawasan tersebut. Sempadan Ukraine dan Russia itu merupakan satu kawasan perang. Sudah tentu apabila berlaku lintasan kapal terbang ianya akan ditembak. Peluru tidak mengenal kawan dan lawan. Tetapi mengikut berita yang kami terima orang-orang yang berada dikawasan itu adalah penganut agama Kristian. Mereka tidak akan mencederakan sesiapa pun sekiranya diri mereka tidak diancam. Apakah kita telah melakukan kesilapan besar dalam menganilisa perkara ini.
                Kita tidak boleh menyamakan para pejuang di Ukraine dengan pengganas seperti OSAMA BIN LADEN dan gerombolan pengganas Islam yang menyerang dan membunuh orang tidak berdosa tanpa rasa bersalah. Pengganas menyerang orang lain dengan tanpa belas ihsan tetapi para pejuang seperti di Ukraine hanya bertindak balas dan bukannya mereka masuk dan menggangu negara orang lain.

                Kesimpulannya sebelum kita menghukum dan memarahi orang lain kita hendaklah berfikir dahulu sebelum kita melakukan apa-apa tindakkan yang boleh menghancurkan nama baik sesuatu kumpulan itu. Ya! Sekali lagi saya katakan bahawa memang sebanarnya kejadian ini satu kesedihan. Tetapi jangan lah kita terus menghukum dan menyalahkan orang lain kerana mungkin ianya merupakan kesalahan kita sendiri. 

Wahai Bapa yang berada di Syurga,
Selamat kanlah mereka,
Sambutlah mereka dengan tangan mu yang Suci,
Wahai Bapa yang Maha Penyelamat!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Malaysian Airplane Was Shot Down Because of Vladimir Putin?

This is the 2nd aircraft tragedy that has befall Malaysia. As a country, we must stand united as one and support our authorities in trying to find out what really happened in the crash. We pray that the lives lost in the crash will be accepted by God, in his loving arms. And we also pray that the families of the victims to be strong and patient in this time of need.

Those who are involved must be brought to justice. The Ukranian Government & The Russian Government need to be on their toes. They must answer to Malaysia and to the rest of the world how on Earth this monstrosity could have happened.

It was said that the MH17 plane was shot down because of the design. The plane "stripes" is similar to that of Vladimir Putin's private jet. However, it is duly noted whether it is a mistake or not, the Russian and Ukranian government need to be proactive in finding the cause of this particular mishaps.

God Bless The Dead...

"He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteousness For His name's sake.4Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.5You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You have anointed my head with oil; My cup overflows.…"

Thank You Khalid Samad: The Liberator of Shah Alam

Shah Alam is blessed to have such a charismatic MP such as Mr Khalid Samad. What did Khalid Samad do for Shah Alam you might ask. Well, he basically liberated the "Malay" city from its old ways. Khalid Samad freed Shah Alam from traditional Malay thinking. The need to abandon conservative thinking is important in order for the community to be able to cope with globalization.

Here are the list of what he did to ensure Shah Alam become a more liberal and advanced community:

  1. During his first few years in office, Khalid Samad visited the Carslberg Beer factory. Even though during his election campaign, Khalid Samad and his Pan Islamic Party (PAS) supporters were blaming UMNO for the existence of the factory but during his tenure as the Shah Alam MP he supported the Carlsberg company and even asked them if they wanted to make the factory bigger.

2. This is one of the many massage parlor that is a booming business in Shah Alam. Before Khalid Samad took over as the MP of Shah Alam, massage parlor was non-existence. If guys were to have a little bit of fun, they would have to go to Puchong or KL. But now it is in front of their homes .Good Job YB.

3. Wow... Just totally wow.. Stacks and stacks of beer is on sale in Shah Alam. Good Job YB Khalid Samad.

Now, I don't agree with much of Barisan Nasional policies but however, I do think Khalid Samad is really just another "talk cock" politician. He did not do anything for the people of Shah Alam, and he was jumping on the Kalimah Allah/Murtad/Christian supporter bandwagon just to make sure that the people would see him as a hero. This PAS member need to understand the fact that WE CHRISTIAN ARE NOT FOOLS! You attack MAIS & JAIS, while you should be the one who unite us. Christians & Muslims can work together. Just not with stupid people like Khalid Samad.

You attack JAIS & MAIS just because you say that their work is against the constitution. You Khalid Samad! try your best to be the hero of Christians while you refuse to see the backlash that will come to us in the future. Now His Highness the Sultan is pissed off at you, and you have widen the gap between the Muslims and the Non-Muslims even further.

Thank You Khalid Samad, Thank You for the destruction that you have brought upon our great Shah Alam community.

Andrew Lim
Seksyen 8 Shah Alam,
Selangor Darul Ehsan. 

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Siapakah Pencetus Kemarahan 13 May? Lim Kit Siang Vs Muhyiddin Yassin.

Di dalam agama Kristian, kita diajar oleh Yesus untuk sentiasa bercakap benar. Tidak kira apa fahaman politik kita, kita seharusnya mempertahankan kebenaran. Sangat sedih jika kita melihat saudara-saudara senegara kita berantakkan dan bergaduh sesama sendiri. Tetapi paling sedih apabila melihat, apabila sesetengah pemimpin pro-Kristian yang sanggup menipu untuk menunjukkan bahawa kerajaan yang sedia ada jahat dan tidak berguna untuk rakyat.

13 May satu permainan yang amat berbahaya:

13 May 1969 mungkin tidak dirasai oleh orang-orang seperti saya yang tinggal di Borneo, namun saya selalu mendengar cerita-cerita mengenainya. Saya percaya perkara ini tidak akan terjadi sekiranya kita lebih bertoleransi antara kaum. Sikap kita lah yang menjadi penyebab terjadinya rusuhan-rusuhan seperti ini.

Ingin saya katakan, untuk isu perkauman, tidak wajar kita menunding jari. Seharusnya kita cari jalan yang sesuai untuk mencari penyelesaian yang lebih baik. Yesus mengajar kita untuk hidup dengan aman dan damai, bukankah itu lebih baik dari cuba memprovokasi antara satu sama yang lain.

Muhyiddin Yassin Vs Lim Kit Siang. 

Saya pernah terbaca bahawa Muhyiddin Yassin adalah seorang yang berbangga bahawa beliau adalah . berbangsa Melayu dengan mengatakan bahawa "Malay first Malaysian second". Ini tidak menjadi masalah. Kenapa ada yang mengatakannya rasis dan tidak bertanggungjawab? Malaysia adalah sebuah negara yang meraikan kaum-kaum yang ada. Dasar nasionalis kita adalah unik. Saya pun kalau ditanya, saya adalah Anak Sarawak dan Anak Malaysia.

Pasal isu 13 May yang kononya mengatakan Muhyiddin Yassin mengeluarkan kenyataan mencabar orang Cina. Saya sudah baca kenyataan tersebut dan tiada apa pun yang rasis mengenainya. Ianya hanya satu peringatan bahawa kita hidup ini perlu bertoleransi dan saling mempercayai satu sama lain. Jika tidak ianya akan menyebabkan pergaduhan dan perpecahan sesama sendiri. Ianya akan menjadi rosak jika kita tidak sama-sama berusaha memperbaiki kesilapan kita.

Sebenarnya saya berpendapat bahawa yang benar-benar mahukan 13 May kembali adalah Lim Kit Siang. Betul.... Kalau tak percaya anda boleh tengok sahaja laman blognya. Beberapa bulan lepas berpuluh artikel mengenai 13 May dan bagaimana UMNO yang "Jahat" telah merosakkan Malaysia dipertontonkan kepada umum. Mengapa pembangkang tidak memaki hamun Lim Kit Siang.

Hati saya sudah tawar dengan Pakatan Rakyat. DAP tidak akan membentuk negara atau negeri yang baik. Mereka hanya tau politik 24 sahaja. Orang-orang macam ini perlu dihalang dari masuk ke Negeri saya.

Anthony Anak Tamata
Samarahan, Sarawak.

Who has claim over Jerusalem? None has claim. All have claim.

Well, I tried my best to quote the character Balian Baron of Ibelin in the movie Kingdom of Heaven. Directed by Ridley Scott, the movie shows how the Christian desperately tries to defend the city of Jerusalem while the Muslim/Saracens led by Saladin has a field day killing Christian Soldiers and mocking Guy De Lusignan who became the King of Jerusalem for a few days. 

Now, I really don't care about the historical fact of the movie. What I want to say is that, what is happening in Jerusalem now is quite similar to what happened in the past.

If you look at the Christian characteristic of that time, they are similar like what we see in Muslim Extremist today. In the first few scene where Balian was brought to Mesina (a port in Italy I think), there was a guy standing on a rock. He stood there alone and keep saying the words "To kill an infidel is not a sin, its a path to God". It is similar to the Muslims nowadays. Before every attack, Guy de Lusignan and Renald De Chattilon would scream “God Wills It”, personally I think this is similar to the Muslims “Allahuakbar”.

You see what is happening here right? Muslims are becoming like the Crusaders. That is why they will not win any wars in any time soon. But we Christians learned our mistakes and becoming more like Salahadin. Salahadin believe that God do determine the results of battle, but it is also won by preparation, the absence of diseases, technical and tactical aspect of the fight.

Personally I believe in peace and harmony. Where all the races and religion in this world would be able to sit down together and settle dispute by peaceful means. However, this is not the case in today’s situation. Hatred between races and religion has overcome us. Politician are pointing their fingers to one another and developing a racial war that everyone of us should try to avoid.

The peace and harmony in Jerusalem is still elusive.

We pray that God will protect the innocent, regardless of their religious faith. Amen.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Thank You Sisters in Islam & Islamic Revolution Front: Let's fight this crusade together.

Ok… We heard that the SIS (Marina Mahathir troops) & the IRF (It’s sounds like a terrorist organization but actually they are nice guys) are supporting the Churches on the issue of using the “Allah” word. Yes! Now even Muslims are backing us up.

To be fair to all, I don’t think that the Kalimah Allah issue would be this flared up if it wasn’t for politicians. Yes, we are in this mess because politician such as Zu****fli N*rdin and the likes were having too much times on their hands. They got nothing to do, so they create issues that do not benefit anyone. Don’t blame BN, all blame goes to PERKASA, ISMA, ISMUT, KEMUT, KENTUT and all the good for nothing NGO’s that think that they are holier than anyone in Malaysia.

Let us not forget that JAIS was the one who initiated this “Jihad” against Selangor Christians, and now after it all has been said and done, we have Muslims joining our ranks.

Sister in Islam is a more prominent organization than any other Islamic NGO that is fighting against us. Thank you SiS for your support.

JAIS: The Governments Peepin Tom.

No wonder Muslims in Malaysia are so uptight. The don't feel the LOVE. 

We all know what "khalwat" is about right? I've been living with Malays all my life. One of the most feared "bala" (not Bala the P.I. who made all the declaration against Razak Baginda) is "tangkap basah" or "khalwat" or "close proximity".

Some of my Malay friends are so afraid of it, if their GF is in the house alone and scared they would not go in. They just sit at the porch, while their GF is inside. No close proximity for Malay Muslims ok... It's a BIG NO.... NO...

To think that the Prophet Muhammad or in fact Allah (referring to the Muslim God) himself never mentioned about "khalwat" and the punishment of Khalwat... That is because according to Islam... Khalwat basically is not a sin... But it can be a "gateway" to a sin. (meaning SEX lah)... There are even saying that goes like if a man and a women together, Syaitan will be their third wheel. But the point is, Khalwat is not a sin and should not be trialed as a against the Syariah law.

Now these pejabat agama people, like to conduct searches in houses to find whether people are sitting together with their unmarried partners. Once caught, they will ask them to bring RM 3,000.00 for each individual to court. (Maximum penalty is RM 3000.00). And this particular act or punishment has never been stated in any holy books in Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Torah and The Epic Writings of Spehenie Mayers (woot...woot..) never mentioned about Khalwat or Close Proximity...

If it is not a sin, why punish these people?

Did Mohammad the Prophet in his conduct searches and raids as conducted by JAIS now?

Monday, July 7, 2014

Ku Nan And The Homeless: What Would Muhammad Do?

As expected from a big fat political honcho like Ku Nan, he would not understand the difficulties faced by poor Malaysians. We do not know what is going on in the Federal Territory Ministry but as far as we are concerned, Ku Nan must GO! Go where you might ask? Go and walk around KL, feel the city that you supposed to protect... 

Seriously cleaning up Kuala Lumpur of homeless people? They are not trash that you can throw out. What do you mean by cleaning them out Ku Nan?

It is a sad day for Malaysians when one of its most popular political figures made a statement against homeless people. I think even our tourist knows about homelessness. They have their own in their country. We should be thinking of a better way of helping people, not kick them out from our cities.

Ok… Ok… Maybe Ku Nan said it wrong… Maybe he was trying to say that we will put the homeless people at a better place… Yes… We have seen the Anjung Singgah… It looks too clean right? The beds are too well made, the kitchen are too clean… Not that we like dirty beds and kitchens but just think for a moment. It’s like it never been used before.

Seriously, our churches has helped many homeless people. Hundreds maybe Thousands were helped by the Church. And we know how to deal with these people better, why don’t the Federal Territory Ministry consult us first. Maybe just maybe we can help. With a better funding from the government I’m sure we could work something out.

But then again…. Ministry holding hands together with the Church may not be a good idea for now. All the PAS ISLAMIC ZEALOTS running around, Ku Nan or any other ministers might lose their votes with the Malays.

And then suddenly we read in the HarakahDaily that PAS is sending their Unit Amal to help distribute food for the homeless. Talk about “GILA Glamour” right?

PAS should just stick to their ceramah and collect money from their moronic followers. We don’t want your MILO can Money. We have our own….

Plus, why did Ku Nan rambles about people who are not Malaysians? Homeless Foreigners? Should we kick them out and treat them like animals? I’m afraid that Ku Nan should get better people to write his speeches and press statement. A lot of people in Utusan can write for him.. Better yet, just take a DAP writer like Khairy from Malaysiakini.Com. I’m sure they’ll sell their soul just to be hired by the government. After all, all of them are money hungry power grabbing zealots too you know.

As a Christian we would always ask ourselves, WHAT WOULD JESUS DO? (WWJD?) in times where we do not know what to do… Maybe in conjunction with this month of Ramadhan, Ku Nan should ask himself What Would Muhammad Do?
Before he makes stupid statements against other special needs people like the blind, the sick or the orphans.

Happy Ramadhan to All Muslims and to you to Ku Nan….

P/S: Since when did Nandos give out free Chicken? Since when? YOu tell me... Their stupid peri-peri Chicken is too expensive. If you got a family of 5 Children 1 Wife (PAS members don't get all cocky r), with the salary of RM 3,500.00 a month. Still you can't afford it. Seriously those people at Nandos should not take their business mixed it up with the rakyat's Business ok...

You guys sells expensive Chicken. Never once we saw Nando's gave free Chicken to the poor... 

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Filipino community celebrates 25 years

SANDAKAN (Herald Malaysia): The Filipino Pastoral Community (FPC) of St Mary’s Cathedral Parish held its Silver Jubilee Celebration, themed Jesus Christ Risen Saviour on Saturday May 31 at St Joseph’s Church.

The anniversary celebration commenced with the Flores De Mayo (Procession and Crowning of Mother Mary) at St Joseph’s Church, a mere five kilometers from town. Filipino parishioners gathered at the Church at 4.30pm to recite the Rosary and thereafter proceeded into the Church in a colourful procession led by children. Parishioners brought along flowers as offerings. The event, in honour of the Blessed Virgin Mary, marked the close of the Rosary month. 

Pope appoints Julian Leow as new archbishop of Kuala Lumpur

VATICAN CITY (VIS): The Holy Father has �appointed Rev. Julian LeowBengKim as archbishop of Kuala Lumpur (area 63,760, population 11,000,000, Catholics 180,000, priests 55, permanent deacons 1, religious 154), Malaysia. 

The bishop-elect was born in Seremban, Malaysia in 1964 and was ordained a priest in 2002. He holds a licentiate in ecclesiastical history from the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome, and has served as vicar of the “Visitation” parish in Seremban and priest of the “Holy Family” parish in Kajang. He is currently dean of studies and formator at the major seminary of Penang.