In Allah We Trust

A New Hope
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Saya temui ‘harta terpendam’ dalam Katolik
KOTA BELUD: Maineh Maadin, merupakan salah seorang baptisan baru di Paroki St Edmund, dibaptis pada malam Paskah yang lalu.
Maineh, 46, dahuluya tidak mempunyai agama mempunyai anak seramai enam orang. Tiga daripada anaknya telah dibaptis.
“Cara hidup saya dahulu hanya tahu berseronok bersama kawan-kawan. Suatu hari, saya tergerak hati saya untuk menghadiri Misa bersama anak bongsu saya. Dari situlah saya rasa ada sesuatu yang menarik saya untuk terus dan terus ke Gereja setiap hari minggu,” ujar Maineh.
Katanya lagi, “Selepas beberapa minggu hati saya terbuka untuk mahu dibaptis. Tambahan pula, anak bongsu saya yang baru beberapa bulan dibaptis, mendorong saya untuk menganut agama Katolik. agama katolik. Oleh itu sya mengikuti kelas IKD yang dibimbing oleh Katekis Thomas Dali.
Menurut Maineh, selepas mengikuti kelas IKD, kini dia telah menemui ‘harta’ yang amat berharga iaitu iman kepada Yesus Kristus.
“Saya juga mendapat kawan yang lebih memahami dan menerima saya seadanya. Kini, saya gembira untuk menghadiri Misa Kudus setiap sekaligus melayani Dia. Harapan saya agar komuniti di Gereja saya akan terus menyokong saya.” -- Maineh Maadin, Chapel St Hilary, Timbang, KB
Pope: Christ’s wounds are sign of God’s love
VATICAN CITY: At the canonization mass for Popes John Paul II and John XXIII on Divine Mercy Sunday, Pope Francis emphasized the importance of Christ’s suffering as a visible sign of divine love.
“The wounds of Jesus are a scandal, a stumbling block for faith, yet they are also the test of faith. That is why on the body of the risen Christ the wounds never pass away: they remain, for those wounds are the enduring sign of God’s love for us,” the pontiff said in his homily on April 27.
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 conspiracy theories
As you’re well aware, there is a missing plane from Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 that’s still MIA (as of this post). Of course, the world of conspiracy theories loves to speculate, so let’s see what’s out there…
Nur Jazlan: Umno would have introduced hudud ‘long ago’ if it wanted to
KUALA LUMPUR, April 23 — A moderate Umno lawmaker suggested today that PAS overtures for the party to support its bid to introduce hudud were in vain, saying the party would have implemented the Islamic penal code itself had it been a priority for the nationalist party.
Hudud laws in Malaysia
As a senior doctor who has been practising medicine close to 40 years I was appalled by the statement of the Deputy Menteri Besar of Kelantan reported in the Star dated May 25, 2014. He had said that amputations for theft would be done 'properly by surgeons and that after a period of rest the amputee can return to be with his family at home and need not be interred in a prison'. It sounded like a comforting advice that we give to a patient who just had a major operation.
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Opposing hudud does not mean opposing Islam
APRIL 23 — I’m just not sure what’s a ‘nice’ way to have a conversation about a set of laws that legitimises amputations, slavery and public stoning in God’s name. There are many reasons why I think that hudud has no place in the modern world.
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Hudud: The Last Frontier. Kelantan is going back a thousand years.
Kelantan's selective Hudud?
Even the Moslem prophet Muhammad did not cut anyone hands during his reign in Medina and Mecca. Tell us, which verse of hadith that shows Muhammad cut off the hand of anyone! Stupid Moslem in PAS..... They don't understand their own religion at all....
#mh370 The government of Malaysia is issuing death certificates for MH370 passangers and crews?
The world is full of surprises. Some of them are good while others can be categorised as tragedy. Tragedy that can effect one's life in ways that only the one who are effected might understand. But with the grace of Allah, we must be strong and pray to those that we have lost.
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Cardinal: dedication to God links John XXIII, John Paul II
VATICAN CITY: The papacies of John XXIII and John Paul II are connected in their dedication to God and to lives of priestly service, a cardinal who worked with both of the pontiffs stressed.
Spread 'joyous wonder' of Easter, Pope tells Christians
VATICAN CITY:�Pope Francis on Monday exhorted the Christian faithful to spread the joy of Easter to others.
“Happy Easter!” he said. “Christ is Risen! He is truly risen.”
Monday, April 21, 2014
Before its too late.
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PAS: The king to Milo cans, is rotten to the bone. Maybe they are just practising the Taqqiyah. Yes, we all know lying is a part of Islam. You don't have to hide it no more. |
All of us wants a better Malaysia. A Malaysia that we can be proud of. However, despite all our efforts in fighting for our hopes and dreams, some of our leaders just want to fight for themselves. Their goals are not to make a better country for Malaysians, but they are here just so that they could be in power.
TPPA: Najib Lebih Teruk Dari Anwar Ibrahim. Penjajahan Alaf Baru Bermula Sekarang!
Makin terasa kehangatan musibah yang bakal melanda negara yang kita sayangi dan kasihi ini. Nampaknya Najib dan para penasihat (dungu) beliau sedang cuba menetapkan kejahilan di dalam minda rakyat Malaysia. Syukur kepada Tuhan Yang Esa, rakyat Malaysia tidak sebegitu dungu dalam mempraktikkan akal yang telah dianugerahkan oleh Maha Pencipta.
Jika masih ada lagi rakyat Malaysia yang tidak faham tentang TPPA, anda boleh google dan rujuk kepada mana-mana website. Bacalah kedua-duanya, yang menyokong TPPA dan yang menentang TPPA. Selepas membaca anda ambil sedikit masa untuk "digest" dan faham apa yang anda telah baca. Buatlah keputusan, sekiranya anda setuju TPPA dilaksanakan maka BERBAHAGIALAH anda dengan TPPA. Namun jika anda menentang TPPA, maka ingatlah perjuangan anda bukan berseorangan.
It’s Dr Mahathir, not Karpal, who belittled hudud, says Mat Sabu
The deputy president of PAS has come to the defence of the late Karpal Singh amid accusations of insulting Islam hurled at the veteran lawyer following his death in a car accident last week.

“I am perplexed why Muslims react this way when it was Muslims themselves who insulted hudud, such as the statement by the former prime minister that if hudud was implemented in Kelantan, many Muslims would lose their limbs," Mohamad, better known as Mat Sabu, told The Malaysian Insider in a recent interview.
GST: Apa Yang Menteri UMNO & KERAjaan BN Tidak Mahu Rakyat Tahu. (Siri 1)
GST sememangnya satu skim penipuan terancang oleh pihak KERAjaan Malaysia. Ini dapat dilihat apabila majlis penerangan yang dibuat telah gagal untuk meyakinkan rakyat Malaysia dari segenap umur tentang perlunya GST. CU4M ingin membongkar penipuan jijik ini dan mengajak rakyat bersama-sama menentang skim hina ini. Mari kita menilai antara cakap kosong pemimpin BN dan juga fakta sebenar yang disorokkan.
Fakta KERAjaan: GST perlu kerana kita perlu memperbaiki rating, untuk meningkatkan kredibiliti KERAjaan di mata dunia.
Fakta Sebenar : Sejak bila KERAjaan Malaysia perlu memperbaiki rating semata-mata untuk meningkatkan ekonomi negara? 57 tahun Malaysia merdeka, tidak pernah kita sebegitu teruja untuk memuaskan nafsu para pengira rating. Semasa zaman Tun Dr Mahathir sekalipun kita tidak pernah bergantung kepada rating untuk maju dalam bidang ekonomi dan pembangunan negara. Kenapa perlu rating yang baik sekarang? Rating yang baik diperlukan untuk menampakkan Malaysia adalah sebuah negara yang berdaya saing walaupun hakikat sebenarnya kita telah lama tumpas ditangan negara lain. Rating diperlukan agar kerajaan akan berupaya meminjam duit dari negara atau syarikat atau orang tertentu. Kenapa perlu pinjam duit? Oleh kerana sudah terlalu boros, KERAjaan Malaysia gagal untuk terus menjaga ekonomi dan kini perlu MEMINJAM WANG DARI NEGARA LAIN! Kita semakin bankrap!
Hukuman Bunuh Kepada Pemandu Lori Penyebab Kematian Karpal Singh.
Salam 1 Reformasi,
Saya ingin menyatakan pendapat tentang kejadian kemalangan maut yang menimpa mendiang Karpal Singh baru-baru ini. Ini kerana saya merasakan bahawa kejadian seperti ini telah mengakibatkan kerugian yang amat besar kepada negara.
Saya menulis di sini bukan kerana bangsa, agama atau kefahaman politik tertentu. Saya menulis di sini kerana saya ingin menyedarkan rakyat Malaysia bahawa kejadian seperti kematian Karpal Singh ini perlu diambil perhatian serius.
Saya ingin mencadangkan bahawa, hukuman berat dikenakan terhadap pemandu lori yang menyebabakan kematian Karpal Singh. Apakah nilainya seorang pemandu lori jika ingin dibandingkan dengan nyawa seorang Karpal Singh!
Marilah kita bersama-sama mendesak KERAjaan Malaysia untuk mengenakan hukuman yang paling berat kepada pemandu lori yang telah merencatkan gerakan Reformasi dan UBAH.
Hutang Darah Wajar Dibayar Dengan Darah!!!!!!
Kristen Malangkas
* We know its a little bit extreme, but there are some truth in his thoughts regarding the death of Mr Karpal Singh. Well, we will let the public decide on this. CU4M are not liable for any statements made by the public. Anyone can have an opinion on this matter. But then again, what we can do is pray to God. And hope for the best in our lives. Yesus is the ultimate savior. We believe that God works in mysterious ways.
Chris Darson
Christian United for Malaysia
Perth Australia.
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Penagih Ganja Penyebab Malaysia Hilang Seorang Negarawan.
Menurut laman berita Malaysia Insider, kemalangan maut yang menyebabkan kematian seorang Negarawan ulung Karpal Singh adalah disebabkan oleh pemandu lori yang telah didapati sebagai seorang yang menagih dadah jenis ganja.
Perkara ini telah disahkan oleh Ketua Polis Perak sendiri Datuk Acryl Sani Abdullah Sani yang menyatakan satu laporan toksikologi yang telah dibuat di Hospital Tuanku Bainun, Ipoh Perak.
Kami di Christian United 4 Malaysia merasa amat kesal dengan perkara ini. Pemergian Mendiang Karpal Singh sememangnya satu perkara yang amat menyedihkan bagi kita semua sebagai rakyat Malaysia. Namun apa yang kami kesalkan adalah kerana seorang penagih ganja kita semua mengalami kehilangan yang amat besar.
Apakah tidak cukup penguatkuasaan undang-undang trafik di negara ini, sehingga seorang penagih dadah boleh dibenarkan menjadi pemandu lori? Malu kita sebagai masyarakat dan rakyat Malaysia yang kononya negara maju dan makmur.
Sekiranya boleh, kami berdoa kepada Yesus dan kekuasaannya untuk menukarkan nyawa pemandu lori itu dan diberikan kepada Karpal Singh.
Thursday, April 17, 2014
The Death of Karpal Singh: Who will save us from Hudud now?
First and foremost, I would like
to convey my condolence to Karpal Singh’s families and friends. He is a great
leader that will be missed by all Malaysians. We will never forget him and his role in our
fight for a truly democratic Malaysia.
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Lorry driver in Karpal crash tests positive for drugs
Traces of
cannabis have been found in the urine sample of the lorry driver whose vehicle
was involved in a collision with the Toyota Alphard which the late Karpal Singh
was travelling in.
Perak police
chief Datuk Acryl Sani Abdullah Sani told The Malaysian Insider that the
initial urine screening of the 45-year-old driver revealed traces of cannabis.
have sent the urine sample to the Raja Permaisuri Bainun Hospital in Ipoh for
confirmation," Acryl said.
Karpal Singh, always in the pursuit of justice
Karpal Singh – the prominent lawyer, lawmaker and DAP leader
– died early this morning in a road accident while on the way to Penang, doing
what he does best: going to court for a client. He was 73.
His reputation as a lawyer and politician had earned him the
nickname the "Tiger of Jelutong" from the time he started legal
practice in 1970 – which was also the year he joined the Democratic Action
Party (DAP).
When he died early today, Karpal had just let go of the DAP
chairmanship as he battled a sedition conviction that risked his four decades
of legal and political career.
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Berlin: Number Of Criminal Arab Immigrants Continuously On The Rise
"The crash course has ended. Two agents bring Nidal R. (31, name altered) down to the asphalt. He has just destroyed a number of cars with his Porsche Cayenne in the district of Schöneberg in Berlin. The damages make for a total amount of 30.000 euros. The agents pull out one of them from the streets – but there are many following his footsteps. There are 484 young massive offenders in Berlin by now.
Muslim Man hurt Ex-Wife (Non Muslim) and abducted her child.
Two days after losing custody of his two children, Izwan Abdullah turned violent as he shoved his ex-wife and grabbed his son from her home in Jelebu this morning.
S. Deepa, who won custody of her two children from her former lorry driver husband Izwan at the Seremban High Court on Monday, was left bruised in the struggle.
Wan Azizah or Khalid – who will the Kajang move favour?
Selangor Pakatan Rakyat (PR) appears to be heading for a showdown over who should lead the country's wealthiest state as menteri besar, with PKR insisting the “Kajang move” run its course with Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail replacing Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, while PAS prefers to retain the second-term state leader.
In a special meeting with the PAS top leadership earlier this week, Selangor PAS MPs and assemblymen leaned towards retaining Khalid as MB with the question: "What did Khalid do to deserve being replaced?"
The outcome of the meeting would be discussed by the PAS central committee this Saturday, and could decide Khalid's tenure as menteri besar.
DAP, the third party making up the PR coalition, is said to have gone along with the majority sentiment that Khalid has to be replaced, and Dr Wan Azizah is one of the candidates they were willing to accept.
Monday, April 7, 2014
Return Back The Stadhuys Building and The A'Famosa To The Christian Community.
A church is a church. You can't transform it into a museum or a tourist attraction site. It is against the will of God! The Malacca state government need to return these buildings to their rightful owners which is the Christians.
Penipuan Konsep Wasatiyyah: Ideologi Songsang Meresap Melayu Islam Di Malaysia.
Oleh Dr. Francis Albert Tan (Taiwan)
Saya ingin nyatakan
disini artikel yang saya tuliskan ini adalah berdasarkan pemerhatian dan kajian
saya tentang agama Islam dan penganutnya di Malaysia. Artikel ini bukan
bertujuan untuk menunding jari kepada sesiapa tetapi ianya adalah untuk memberi
pendapat dan kesedaran kepada semua rakyat Malaysia bahawa kita mungkin sedang
dipermainkan oleh beberapa pihak. Pihak yang saya sebutkan ini adalah mereka
yang ingin menonjolkan imej lain bagi Islam dan pendakwahan terancang kepada
bukan Islam di seluruh dunia. Artikel ini diterjemahkan dalam bahasa Melayu dan
Mandarin agar ia dapat difahami oleh orang Islam dan orang bukan Islam di negara
Thursday, April 3, 2014
Musa says he assumes responsibility for Memali even though he wasn’t acting PM
Former deputy prime minister Tun Musa Hitam (pic) today clarified the events leading to his revelation that Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad was in Kuala Lumpur during the bloody Memali incident in the mid-1980s.
Musa said he assumed responsibility for the incident on November 19, 1985, despite the fact that he was not the acting prime minister then.
“I assume full responsibility for the event,” Musa said in a statement today.
“On the day of the Memali incident, Dr Mahathir was in Kuala Lumpur and I was not the acting prime minister,” he said.
Musa had revealed in a forum in Kota Baru last week that Dr Mahathir was in Malaysia when police forces killed Ibrahim Libya and his followers in a clash.
The Memali incident occurred at a remote village in Baling, Kedah, in November 1985.
A team of policemen laid siege to the village of about 400 people and where the late Ibrahim Mahmud, also known as Ibrahim Libya had been running a religious school.
The incident resulted in 14 civilian deaths and two police deaths.
Knowing God Personally. Allah is the best!
How to Know God Personally
What does it take to begin a relationship with God? Devote yourself to unselfish religious deeds? Become a better person so that God will accept you?
Knowing God Personally. Allah is the best!
How to Know God Personally
What does it take to begin a relationship with God? Devote yourself to unselfish religious deeds? Become a better person so that God will accept you?
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Bible Society criticises Selangor for ‘washing its hands’ of confiscated Al-Kitab
Bible Society of Malaysia (BSM) has criticised the Selangor government for asking the society to write to the Attorney-General's office for the return of 300 Bibles in Bahasa Malaysia (Al-Kitab) and the Iban language (Bup Kudus).

Claiming that the Selangor exco had made many promises to return the Bibles that were seized by the Selangor Islamic Affairs Department (Jais) in January, the BSM considered the latest statement from Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim as the state "washing their hands off the problem".
Hishammuddin caught in social media storm over ‘insensitive’ MH370 tweet
Acting Transport Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein, who has been at the forefront of the search for Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, was caught up in a social media storm yesterday when he agreed with a tweet saying the disappearance of the aircraft was a "blessing in disguise", Australia's Herald Sun reported.
Its easy to get rich in Malaysia. Become a Millionaire preacher.
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Pendidikan negara: Apa lagi yang tak kena? Oleh Dr Nazil Nuhairi
TERSENTAP seketika membaca komen daripada pakar ekonomi Bank Dunia Dr Frederico Gil Sander di dalam satu majlis anjuran PEMANDU di Damansara yang memberitahu mutu pendidikan di Malaysia jatuh merudum berdasarkan Program Penilaian Antarabangsa Pelajar (PISA) lebih membimbangkan daripada kejatuhan kewangan. Tambah beliau, mutu pendidikan di Malaysia lebih teruk daripada Vietnam dengan menduduki tangga ke 52 daripada 65 negara yang terlibat.
One race one vote: Shahidan should resign
The suggestion by the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim that the concept of "one person, one vote," should be implemented by allowing each voter to only vote a leader from the same racial group shows the impractical and nonsensical consequences of basing politics on racial considerations.
Institut Rakyat Research Director Yin Shao Loong said such a concept then would not make the Prime Minister as adequately representing all Malaysians.
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