In Allah We Trust

A New Hope
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
The Malaysian Crusade: Jangan Tipu Rakyat Malaysia Kembalikan Hak Kami!
Kehidupan sebagai seorang rakyat Malaysia sememangnya aman dan makmur. Sungguhpun begitu setelah 57 tahun diperintah oleh Barisan Nasional dan UMNO terlalu banyak hak rakyat telah diabaikan. Apakah kita masih mahu berdiam diri lagi?
The Malaysian Crusade: The Rise Of The Green Frog Army
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Prepare For Trouble And Make It Triple (PAS, PKR and DAP). |
Monday, December 30, 2013
The Malaysian Crusade: Stand Up For Your Rights! Dont come to the rally today if....
Dont come to Dataran Merdeka today if you do not love your religion, do not love your country and do not love your people!
What the Bible Says About Money (Shocking)
Most people know Sean Hyman from his regular appearances on Fox Business, CNBC, and Bloomberg Television, but what they don’t know is that Sean is a former pastor, and that his secret to investing is woven within the Bible.
Pope prays for upcoming Synod of Bishops
VATICAN CITY: In his Angelus address given on the feast of the Holy Family, Pope Francis prayed especially for the approaching Synod of Bishops which will discuss pastoral challenges to the family.
“The next Synod of Bishops will address the theme of the family, and the preparatory phase has already begun some time ago. For this reason, today, (on) the feast of the Holy Family, I wish to entrust this synodal work to Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, praying for families around the world,” he said on Dec. 29 in St. Peter’s Square.
Asking the crowds that packed St. Peter’s Square and the surrounding streets to join with him spiritually, Pope Francis prayed, “Holy Family of Nazareth, may the approaching Synod of Bishops make us once more mindful of the sacredness and inviolability of the family, and its beauty in God’s plan.”
The Pope dedicated his Angelus message to considering Jesus’ own family as an example for families everywhere. “God wanted to be born in a human family, he wanted to have a mother and a father, like us,” he explained.
“It’s an example that does much good for our families, helping them to become ever more a community of love and reconciliation, in which one experiences tenderness, mutual help, and mutual forgiveness.”
Even the Jesus’ own family, however, was not without its difficulties.
Forced to flee to Egypt to escape being killed by Herod, “Joseph, Mary, and Jesus experienced the dramatic condition of refugees, marked by fear, uncertainty, need.”
Unfortunately, Pope Francis continued, “in our day, millions of families can see themselves in this sad reality.” Refugees and immigrants do not always find “true welcome (or) respect.”
Yet “Jesus wanted to belong to a family that had experienced these difficulties,” to show that no one “is excluded from the nearness of God’s love.”
“The flight into Egypt because of Herod’s threats shows us that God is also there – there where man is in danger, there where man suffers, there where he escapes, where he experiences rejection and abandonment; but he is also where man dreams, hoping to return to his homeland in freedom, designing and choosing a life of dignity for himself and his family.”
Even in families who do not face such dramatic circumstances, “exiled persons” can be found, noted the Pontiff: “the elderly, for example, who sometimes are treated as a burdensome presence.”
“Many times I think that one sign to know how a family is doing is to see how the children and elderly are treated in it,” he said.
Pope Francis then repeated one of his oft-used instructions on family life. “Remember the three key phrases: excuse me, thank you, I’m sorry!” he exhorted the crowds, who cheered in response.
In a family that uses these words, “there is peace and joy,” he assured them.
“Repeat it with me, everyone together!” the Pope urged, “excuse me, thank you, I’m sorry.”
The Pontiff closed by greeting the many pilgrim groups who had traveled to Rome and wishing everyone a happy feast day.--CNA
Sunday, December 29, 2013
The Malaysian Crusade: Allah issue threatening racial unity
KUALA LAMPUR: Prime Minister Najib Razak is struggling to put things in perspective and ended up instead insulting his own intelligence. First he goes to declare that MCA needs political “viagra” to get its act in order.
Maybe Najib was being cheeky by taking a dig at former MCA chief Chua Soi Lek whose extra-marital affair came to light after he was caught in the act and which led to him quitting mainstream politics.
But then the “viagra” analogy did not go down well with both MCA and outgoing president Chua. Still, Najib, however, was far from perturbed, oblivious to the fact that associating MCA with “viagra” was the worst co-relation he could think of.
Then came the issue concerning the use of the word “Allah” by the non-Malays. During the Umno general assembly early this month, Najib had insisted that “Allah” was exclusive to the Muslims.
It did not end there. The premier later dropped hints that it was best Christians ended its battle over the “Allah” row and abided by the Constitution.
Najib’s biased and undemocratic stance has further divided an already divisive nation. To outgoing Archbishop Murphy Pakiam, this was the last straw that broke the camel’s back which led to Pakiam openly castigating the premier saying it was Najib who should stop preventing the Catholics from using the word “Allah”.
Responding to Najib’s call for Muslims and Christians to end the national-level debate over the use of the word “Allah”, Pakiam on Christmas Day voiced his worry that Najib’s insistence that “Allah” remain exclusive to the Muslims was inciting right-wing groups against the Christian community.
To Pakiam, it was Najib who was adding to the confusion by saying “Allah” can only be used in Sabah and Sarawak, but banned here in the peninsula.
“But still, he is the prime minister, so I have to pray, God, please help him to see his mission, his duty for the whole country, not for just Umno, ,” Pakiam had lamented.
The row over the “Allah” issue undeniably had a hand in Pakiam tendering his resignation as the Archbishop of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur on Dec 6 upon reaching the retirement age of 75.
To some, the speed with which the Vatican accepted Pakiam’s resignation raised alarm bells, with some speculating that the Vatican was disappointed with Pakiam’s “soft approach” over the “Allah” controversy.
The episode started in 2008 when Catholic newspaper The Herald was ordered by the Home Ministry to stop using the word “Allah”.
The Catholic Church took the matter to court and won a High Court decision in 2009 upholding its constitutional right to do so.
Unhappy with the court verdict, Putrajaya counter-challenged the decision and was successful in overturning an earlier decision when the Court of Appeal on Oct 14 this year ruled that “Allah” was not significant to the Christian faith.
The Malaysian Crusade: Jangan Takut ALLAH, Yesus dan para Malaikat Bersama Kita!
Santo Mikail lindungilah kami di dalam pertarungan, Jadilah pelindung kami dari kejahatan dan keburukkan Syaitan, Semoga Allah menghancurkan musuh kami, Adakah kamu wahai putera Syurga, dengan kuasa Allah, menghapuskan Syaitan dan unsur kejahatan didunia, yang mencari manusia untuk dirosakkan jiwanya,
The Malaysian Crusade: An open letter to Helen Ang.
*** Post kali ini ditulis dalam Bahasa Melayu agar dapat difahami oleh para peminat Helen Ang dan bagi yang merasakan beliau bercakap benar!
Apa khabar saudari Helen Ang, kami di Christian United For Malaysia berharap agar saudari Helen Ang dan keluarga sentiasa berada dalam keadaan aman dan sejahtera. Mungkin Saudari Helen Ang tidak mengenali kami di Christian United For Malaysia, namun, kami amat mengenali saudari dan benar-benar teruja dengan setiap "pendedahan" yang dikeluarkan oleh saudari di dalam blog saudari.
Saudari Helen,
Kami berandaian Saudari Helen adalah seorang yang beragama Kristian kerana di depan nama keluarga saudari, saudari menggunakan nama Eropah yang sinonim dengan agama Kristian. Adakah benar saudari seorang Kristian atau tidak kami tidak tahu. Namun sekiranya saudari adalah seorang Kristian, saudari telah mengkhianati agama ini yang seharusnya saudari bela. Sekiranya saudari bukan seorang Kristian, maka saudari telah melanggar hak asasi orang Kristian di Malaysia dan seharusnya menginsafi perbuatan saudari ini.
Apakah dengan menghina para pemimpin pembangkang yang beragama Kristian saudari puas hati? Apakah dengan menghina Hannah Yeoh, saudari mendapat kenikmatan sebagai seorang manusia? Apa salahnya YB Hannah berkhidmat untuk agamanya dan negaranya? Bukankah itu yang diminta oleh semua patriot negara ini? Pada kami yang sebenar-benar patriot di dalam dunia politik Malaysia pada masa kini adalah orang sepetri YB Hannah Yeoh yang bertungkus lumus memastikan nasib rakyat terus dibela.
Bertaubatlah Saudari Helen,
Kami percaya masih ada lagi sekelumit perasaan belas kasihan saudari Helen kepada manusia. Kami juga rasa bahawa saudari adalah seorang manusia yang baik, tetapi telah terpesong kerana godaan Syaitan yang menjadi musuh kepada kita semua tidak kira agama. Maka bertaubatlah saudari Helen, sebelum tiba masanya saudari berdepan dengan Tuhan dan diadili.
Semoga Saudari Helen dirahmati Allah,
Yesus itu adalah sumber keadilan, Allah sentiasa akan memaafkan makhluk ciptaanNya tanpa apa-apa syarat. Yang utama adalah taubat dan penyerahan secara total kepadaNya. Terima lah DIA di hati saudari, nescaya dia akan merahmati saudari dan menyelamatkan saudari dari kutukan dan penghinaan di dunia dan di alam barzakh nanti.
Perang Salib Untuk Malaysia,
Apa yang kami mahu sekiranya saudari setuju, bukanlah untuk berperang dari erti kata membunuh dan menyerang orang bukan Kristian di Malaysia. Peperangan yang kami maksudkan adalah peperangan terhadap kejahilan, kebatilan dan kemusnahan yang telah merosakkan negara ini selama pemerintahan para pemimpin yang ada sekarang.
Perang ini adalah untuk membasmi kebodohan dan keburukkan. Kami tidak berperang seperti mana yang terpahat di dalam kepala para penyokong kerajaan. Peperangan kami adalah dengan korupsi, nepotisme dan ideolisma jahat yang telah terbenam di dalam sanubari rakyat Malaysia.
Yesus adalah penyelamat!
YA! Yesus adalah penyelamat! Yesus adalah cahaya! Yesus akan menyelamatkan rakyat Malaysia dari kerosakkan. Inilah peperangan yang kita semua terpaksa hadapi setiap hari. Maka peperangan ini akan menjadi jalan kepada keselamatan rakyat negara ini.
Sertailah kami untuk Malaysia yang lebih baik!
Sertai lah kami Saudari Helen, hanya dengan cahaya Yesus Malaysia akan terselamt dari pelbagai bencana.
Hentikanlah serangan terhadap YB Hannah, kerana beliau adalah seorang yang berhati suci dan tidak pernah menganggu sesiapa pun. Sekiranya orang Islam ada hak untuk menyebarkan agama mereka, kenapa kami tidak?
Hentikanlah dari berbohong!
Saudari Helen, hentikanlah pembohongan dan mesej jahat saudari. Percayalah kata-kata kami, sekiranya saudari tersepit sekalipun, para pemimpin yang saudari bela tidak akan membantu saudari. Terimalah cahaya Yesus. Terimalah penyelamat agung ini. Nescaya kami akan sentiasa berada di belakang saudari dan selama-lamanya menjaga kebajikan saudari dan mempertahankan hak saudari.
Salam Sayang dari
Admin dan Pengurusan Blog Christian United 4 Malaysia
In Allah We Trust
Kepada Allah Kami Berserah
30 Disember 2013
The Malaysian Crusade: We will keep on using Allah in Selangor churches, says priest
**We pray that His Royal Highness The Sultan of Selangor would hear us the Christian in Selangor! We pray that the Sultan will understand our need to use the word Allah. And we pray to the Lord Jesus Christ that His word will be instill in the Sultan's heart to ensure that the Christian in Selangor would be permitted to use the word Allah. To pray in HIS name, and to be saved by the sins of the Muslims in this country.
Catholic churches in Selangor will continue to use the word Allah during its weekend services in Bahasa Malaysia despite the state’s Islamic Religious Department (Jais) intention to send them reminders on a 1988 state enactment prohibiting non-Muslims from using the word.
Catholic weekly Herald editor Rev Father Lawrence Andrew said Article 11(3) (A) of the Federal Constitution prescribes that every religious group has its right to manage its own religious affairs.
“Our religion cannot be managed by any Muslim group. It is against the Federal Constitution.
"We will continue to use the word Allah in our masses,” he told The Malaysian Insider today.
He said that Jais as an Islamic body has no jurisdiction over other religious bodies.
“At the moment, the case is still in court and no decision has been made yet. They can’t pre-empt this,” he added.
Aside from the Catholic church, other Christian churches, such as the Sidang Injil Borneo, also conduct services in Bahasa Malaysia and other native languages from East Malaysia, with the use of the word Allah.
In an interview with news portal The Malay Mail Online, newly-appointed Jais director Ahmad Zaharin Mohd Saad had said the Islamic authority would draw up a list of Selangor churches before writing letters asking them to comply with the Selangor Non-Islamic Religions (Control of Propagation Among Muslims) Enactment 1988.
“We will write letters to all the churches in Selangor to respect the law that is in force in relation to this,” he was quoted as saying.
The enactment, which was passed by the Barisan Nasional state government, prohibits non-Muslims in Selangor from using 35 Arabic words and phrases in their faith, including “Allah”, “Nabi” (prophet), “Injil” (gospel) and “Insya'Allah” (God willing).
The Catholic church has been on a collision course with Putrajaya over the use of the word Allah.
Many Islamist groups in Malaysia had insisted that the word Allah belongs exclusively to Muslims, although Christians and other faiths have argued otherwise.
In December 2009, the High Court made a landmark ruling in favour of the Catholic Church, when it said Allah, which means God in Arabic, was not the exclusive right of Muslims and the Catholic weekly Herald could publish it in its Bahasa Malaysia section, which caters to its East Malaysian Bumiputera congregation.
This led to the Home Ministry appealing against the ruling in January 2010.
On October 14 this year, the Court of Appeal overturned the High Court decision, and said the ban was justified as "the word Allah was not integral to the practice of the Christian faith".
The church’s leave application to appeal the appellate court’s decision will be heard on February 24.
The decision spooked Christians in Sabah and Sarawak as many felt the ban was not exclusive to Herald but was binding to all Christians.
This led to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak assuring Christians in East Malaysia that they could continue using the word and that the Federal Government will honour the 10-point solution.
Under the 10-point solution announced in 2011 by Datuk Idris Jala, it was agreed that bibles in all languages can be imported into the country, including Bahasa Malaysia/Indonesia.
The 10-point solution also states that bibles can be printed locally in Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak.
The Court of Appeal decision also received worldwide attention, with respected American Muslim theologian Reza Aslan, among others, criticising the decision.
The debate on the matter continues, with the Sun newspaper reported on October 30 that the Bar Council was considering following in the footsteps of the Sabah Lawyers Association (SLA) and throwing its weight behind the Catholic weekly in the appeal process.
This raised the ire of Muslim Lawyers Association, who strongly opposed the move. – December 27, 2013.
Archbishop Pakiam prays that PM will remember where he came from
Archbishop emeritus @Murphy Pakiam (pic) has urged Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak to cement his own call for an end to Muslim-Christian hostility by withdrawing Putrajaya’s legal challenge against the Catholic Church’s use of 'Allah.'
The Archbishop, retired recently and now administrator of the Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur, made the call in response to Najib’s speech at the National Christmas Open House in George Town, Penang when he called on followers of the two faiths to set aside their differences and seek common ground.
"What did he say? Even if the world talks and laughs about this 'Allah' issue, Malaysia will not allow (its use by non-Muslims), we (government) will defend the exclusivity of its use.
"This is not a man who was educated in our Catholic school. By talking like that, you are just a bickering politician. I am praying that Allah will enlighten him to become a statesman," the Malaysiakini news portal reported him as saying today.
Najib was educated at St John's Institution, adjacent to the Archbishop's house where the Christian Federation of Malaysia (CFM) annual Christmas high tea was held today.
Pakiam said Najib was the one who should not stop preventing Christians from using the word 'Allah'.
Pakiam used Najib's experience in school as an example of how the Christian community had helped Najib as a boy in a Catholic school and respected his Muslim faith.
"From a small boy, from primary school until form 3, he (Najib) was there (St John's Institute).
"When it came to catechism (classes), his mother was disturbed because he was a small boy going to a (Christian) religious class.
"But his mother had confidence in our brothers and phoned Brother Matthew who said: 'Please don't worry, we will see that he doesn't go in'," the portal reported.
As such, Pakiam said he hoped Najib would do his duty and serve all Malaysians.
"You think I am not angry? But he is the prime minister, so I have to pray to God to please help him do his duty for the whole country and not just Umno," he said.
The Court of Appeal had in October overturned a High Court decision which ruled that the Home Ministry's ban against Christian publication The Herald from using the word 'Allah' was unconstitutional.
The Church is now appealing the decision at the Federal Court in the hope of reinstating the High Court's ruling.
Pakiam added that Najib's insistence of exclusivity for the word 'Allah' was inciting right-wing groups against the Christian community.
"He knows the law. He knows the judgment the judges gave and he (Najib) is saying: 'Oh, it's allowed there (Sabah and Sarawak), but be careful in peninsula. Don't stir this up. You are playing with fire.'
Legal experts have questioned the government's move to permit the use of the word 'Allah' in East Malaysia, yet continuing defending the Court of Appeal's decision.
The Court of Appeal had ruled that the word 'Allah' was "not an integral part of the Christian faith", a decision that affects Christians in both East and West Malaysia. - December 25, 2013.
Monday, December 23, 2013
The Brits have it right: forget Happy Holidays, just wish people Merry Christmas I'd rather be able to wish people in the US a Merry Christmas this week without having to worry if they'll be offended
A colleague made a curious statement when she returned to New Yorkrecently from London, "Everything was so Christmas-y there."
At first glance, it's a bizarre statement. New York and London (among other cities in both countries) are decked out for the holidays. Who hasn't heard of the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree or London'sOxford Street lights and mince pies? And that's to say nothing of the famous storefront windows all aglow.
But look beyond the seasonal window treatments at Macy's and you'll quickly find a different story. In corporate America, everything is "happy holidays". Ads refer to "holiday shopping", end-of-year office soirees are "holiday parties" and kids' school concerts this time of year are "holiday concerts". You get the idea.
Even at the Guardian, when we put up our Christmas tree in the New York office, the first thing one of our interns said was, "Where's the menorah?"
It's the "politically correct" question. Evergreens and menorahs go hand in hand in most public places in the US. Some offices have gone a step further on the PC scale and simply done "winter wonderland" themed decorations. They have silver, gold and white lights aplenty, but no red and green anything. In short, snow globes are fine, Santa is not.
An annual survey that came out last week revealed just how conflicted Americans are on whether it's better to say "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays" this time of year. Half of America prefers one term and half the other. However, in a business or public setting, nearly two-thirds of those under 30 feel it's better to wish someone the more generic Happy Holidays. It's about trying to be polite in an increasingly diverse society.
I see the trend just by looking at the greeting cards I've received this year in the mail and how people are signing off their emails. The majority wish me something along the lines of: happy holidays, peace, warm wishes for the New Year, and my least favorite, "seasons greetings". The cards have nice images of mittens, ice skates and snow covered landscapes (not to mention photos of cute kids), but not much overtly Christmas-y. They offer me everything jolly and merry this time of year, except a Merry Christmas.
I'm not to saying that Christmas isn't prominently visible in the states. There are still plenty of Santas and pine trees for sale here, and a drive around the neighborhood, especially in parts of America outside of the major cities, and you'll see people go all out with the Christmas lights and decorations outside their homes (there's even a TV show about it). But even people who are clearly celebrating Christmas in their homes tend to be conflicted about what to say in the workplace or at school. No one wants to offend anyone or make assumptions about people's religious beliefs, especially at work.
In America, the term "Christmas" still has a strongly religious connotation to it (despite what years of Santa and the "buy buy buy" mentality have done to the spirit of holiday). That's only further reinforced by claims on Fox News and other conservative outlets that there is a "war on Christmas" and, by extension, a war on the Christian faith. Now wishing people a "Merry Christmas" almost has a political tone to it.
What's striking to anyone who has spent time in the UK is that everyone says Merry (or Happy) Christmas. I've even had Muslim friends in the UK send me cards and write Merry Christmas on my Facebook wall. The saying in Britain seems to have lost its religious meaning. People say it regardless of whether or not they celebrate Christmas, and businesses feel no remorse whatsoever at openly calling things "Christmas sales" or "Christmas parties".
Of course, I am making broad generalizations. As a British friend reminded me, the UK has been celebrating Saturnalia long before Christmas, and plenty of places such as Birmingham have generic Winterval celebrations. Christmas isn't ubiquitous.
But by and large, in two diverse societies with similar roots, Americans have opted to try to find neutral sounding holiday greetings, while Brits have chosen to make Christmas as open to everyone as possible.
Personally, I think the Brits have this one right. I'd rather be able to wish people a Merry Christmas this week without having to worry if they'll be offended. I'd also rather have people wish me Happy Hanukkah, Happy Diwali or Eid Mubarak when those holidays come around. It makes me feel more a part of their celebration. Let's call each holiday what it is instead of trying to lump Jewish, Christian and even the Kwanzaa ritual together. If we need a generic holiday, we've already got the New Year, which touches all people and cultures.
Telling someone to "enjoy your holiday" or worse, sending them "seasons greetings" are cop-outs. Instead of feeling more diverse and inclusive, it just feels like someone took a bit of sparkle out of the December festivities.
Sunday, December 22, 2013
The Malaysian Crusade: JOIN US! Bersih 4!
Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong. That is your oath
The Malaysian Crusade: Take Down BN For The Rise Of Christian In Malaysia.
We know that UMNO and Barisan Nasional is not doing a very good job at governing the country. We need to understand that all the component parties in Barisan Nasional is getting restless due to many of their bad decision in trying to make our country hospitable for every religion.
They failed miserably not because they are insincere about their intention. The failed because they were unclear about what kind of Malaysia do they want this country to be. And can Islam the official religion of this country can strive to be a watchful big brother to all other religion?
We understand the conundrum that the government has to face, however, we believe that Christianity would be a better replacement to Islam as it has been shown in many countries. We are better off with the freedom and compassion that Christian gives rather than the hatred that is shown by many Muslims towards other religion.
Even the rights of the Bumi's will be much more rational if Christianity is accepted by the Malays the majority in this country.
But then again, how can we take down a GIANT as big as Barisan Nasional. Even in the two election which we saw BN at its lowest, still we failed to change the country for a better government.
Waging an all out war with the Muslims in this country would prove detrimental for us as we are are just a small community. And we the admin of CU4M believe that we can take our small number as an added advantage to our cause. Smaller numbers means more efficient soldiers rather than having a big number but consist of stowaways and slackers.
We need all Christian Malaysian to discard their beliefs of racism and hatred. We need to convert more Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu and Pagan believer. We must let them feel the love that Christ has given us. We must make them understand that Christ is the only saviour and protector. They must be willing to accept Christ in their hearts, mind and soul. Christ will grant them salvation.
Yet we are so close but so far. We gave thanks to the missionaries who had come a long way hundreds of years ago to enlighten us with Jesus and God.
The only thing that stands in our way is political perception that was created by the likes of UMNO, Barisan Nasional, Perkasa and many Muslim NGO's in this region.
We need to work harder and faster to ensure that our just cause will reach its goal.
Join Us On 31 of December 2013 on this glorious day. We shall show our true strength to the world. Malaysian Christian United For A Better Nation!
Friday, December 20, 2013
Unification Of Shia Muslims And Christian In Penang?
PAS strong man Muhammad Sabu or fondly known by most Malaysians as Mat Sabu was appointed as the new PAS commissioner for Penang. Basically, we the admin of CU4M does not really understand what is the problem regarding the Shia Vs Sunni polemic in this country. But what's wrong being a Shia? Isn't Shia's muslim too? Why are the government is attacking Shia like wolves attacking a cornered sheep?
But then again, it is good for the Penang government that Mat Sabu is appointed as PAS commissioner. Now what is happening in the current scene is that the Shia is suffering the same as the Christian in this country.
Maybe just maybe, a Shia Muslim like Mat Sabu can understand the feeling of being oppressed. To worship God under the surveillance of the government.
The glorious unification of Shia and Christian is on the verge. Let us rejoice and regain our dignity in this country by claiming it.
Thursday, December 19, 2013
The Tallest Christmas Tree In The City- Datuk Hashim Wahir-
Thank You KLCC for Keeping The Christmas Traditions among the Christians In Malaysia alive.....
Hudud In Kelantan. Does it effects Christians?
We the admin of CU4M would like to express our deep fears on the implementation of the PAS's Islamic Hudud Law in Kelantan.
We hope that Christian leaders are here to protect the rights and liberties of all Malaysians including our Muslims friends who are actually reluctant in accepting this particular act of the Kelantan Government.
KOTA BARU: The judges of the Kelantan Syariah Court are ready to hear criminal cases under hudud laws but the PAS-led state government is still seeking expert views before implementing the Syariah Criminal Code passed 20 years ago.
State Syarie Judges chief Datuk Daud Muhammad, a staunch advocate of hudud, has renewed his call to the state to implement it.
When asked to comment on the matter, Deputy Mentri Besar Datuk Mohd Amar Abdullah said the government was adopting a “non-hasty” approach and needed to collate views from experts, including former International Islamic University professor Dr Abdul Aziz Bari.
Dr Abdul Aziz, an expert in constitutional law, had said that the Kelantan government only needed the Sultan’s consent to implement hudud.
Mohd Amar, who is also state PAS deputy commissioner (III), said other experts were of the view that there was a need to amend the Federal Constitution.
The Syariah Criminal Code Enactment (II) was passed in 1993 and received the consent of the then Sultan of Kelantan, Sultan Ismail Petra ibni Yahya Petra.
Mohd Amar said that although the law included a special court to hear hudud cases, the state government also needed the cooperation of the police and the Prisons Department on where to hold those arrested for offences.
Meanwhile, MCA publicity bureau deputy chairman Loh Seng Kok said Daud’s remarks on the readiness to enforce PAS’ version of hudud showed the irrelevance of the opposing statements by DAP leaders.
“Responses by Pakatan Rakyat leaders are insufficient to convince anyone as the PAS-led Kelantan state government unanimously passed state enactments favouring the implementation of hudud,” Loh said in a statement.
He said it was clear that the current Kelantan government had consented to the implementation of hudud regardless of the assurances to the contrary being given by Pakatan.
Trinity Corporation: Selangor State GLC Is The Brink Of Chaos? The grand mosque of cordoba.
Talam Transform Berhad or formerly known as Talam Corporation of Trinity Corporation Berhad.
Why the name change? Trinity Corporation Berhad was a good name right?
We read so much of the skandal in Talam/Trinity. We think that the people in charge of Selangor's GLC must answer this to the rakyat.
We heard about the Fidlot National Shahrizat Scandal, but we did not hear anything about Talam. Both are using the rakyat's money. What happened?
Remember, remember, the 5th of November
The Gunpowder Treason and plot;
I know of no reason why Gunpowder Treason
Should ever be forgot
Here is a piece on the Mosque in Cordoba which was converted to a church.
Known locally as Mezquita-Catedral, the Great Mosque of Cordoba is one of the oldest structures still standing from the time Muslims ruled Al-Andalus (Muslim Iberia including most of Spain, Portugal, and a small section of Southern France) in the late 8th century. Cordoba is a two hour train ride south of Madrid, and draws visitors from all over the world.
The buildings on this site are as complex as the extraordinarily rich history they illustrate. Historians believe that there had first been a temple to the Roman god, Janus, on this site. The temple was converted into a church by invading Visigoths who seized Corboba in 572. Next, the church was converted into a mosque and then completely rebuilt by the descendants of the exiled Umayyads—the first Islamic dynasty who had originally ruled from their capital Damascus (in present-day Syria) from 661 until 750.
A New Capital
Following the overthrow of his family in Damascus by the incoming Abbasids, Prince Abd al-Rahman I escaped to southern Spain. Once there, he established control over almost all of the Iberian Peninsula and attempted to recreate the grandeur of Damascus in his capital, Cordoba. He sponsored elaborate building programs, promoted agriculture, and even imported fruit trees and other plants from his former home. Orange trees still stand in the courtyard of the Mosque of Cordoba, a beautiful, if bittersweet reminder of the Umayyad exile.
The Hypostyle Hall
The building itself was expanded over two hundred years. It is comprised of a large hypostyle prayer hall (hypostyle means, filled with columns), a courtyard with a fountain in the middle, an orange grove, a covered walkway circling the courtyard, and a minaret (a tower used to call the faithful to prayer) that is now encased in a squared, tapered bell tower. The expansive prayer hall seems magnified by its repeated geometry. It is built with recycled ancient Roman columns from which sprout a striking combination of two-tiered, symmetrical arches, formed of stone and red brick.
The Mihrab
The focal point in the prayer hall is the famous horseshoe arched mihrab or prayer niche. A mihrab is used in a mosque to identify the wall that faces Mecca—the birth place of Islam in what is now Saudi Arabia. This is practical as Muslims face toward Mecca during their daily prayers. The mihrab in the Great Mosque of Cordoba is framed by an exquisitely decorated arch behind which is an unusually large space, the size of a small room. Gold tesserae (small pieces of glass with gold and color backing) create a dazzling combination of dark blues, reddish browns, yellows and golds that form intricate calligraphic bands and vegetal motifs that adorn the arch.
Mihrab (photo: Bongo Vongo)
The Horseshoe Arch
The Horseshoe Arch
The horseshoe-style arch was common in the architecture of the Visigoths, the people that ruled this area after the Roman empire collapsed and before the Umayyads arrived. The horseshoe arch eventually spread across North Africa from Morocco to Egypt and is an easily identified characteristic of Western Islamic architecture (though there are some early examples in the East as well).
The Dome
The Dome
Above the mihrab, is an equally dazzling dome. It is built of crisscrossing ribs that create pointed arches all lavishly covered with gold mosaic in a radial pattern. This astonishing building technique anticipates later Gothic rib vaulting, though on a more modest scale.
Rib Detail, Mihrab Dome (photo: Manuel Parada López de Corselas)
The Great Mosque of Cordoba is a prime example of the Muslem world's ability to brilliantly develop architectural styles based on pre-existing regional traditions. Here is an extraordinary combination of the familiar and the innovative, a formal stylistic vocabulary that can be recognized as “Islamic” even today.
Text by Shadieh Mirmobiny
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Guy Fawkes. A Christian Martyr Lives In The Hearts Of Malaysians.
"Remember, remember, the 5th of November
The Gunpowder Treason and plot;
I know of no reason why Gunpowder Treason
Should ever be forgot"
Most of us know Guy Fawkes from the movie V for Vendetta where the main character of the movie wears his mask. The character also known as V (or number 5 in Roman Numerics) was seen as a domestic terrorist in the future Britain where the constitutional monarchy was replaced by a communist/nazi like government. V (the character) commit his first act of terrorism by blowing up the Old Bailey (which is currently a famous criminal court in Britain).
We are here now not to discuss about the character V in the movie, but the mask that he wears which is supposed to be an image of the Legendary Guy Fawkes. We know for a fact that Guy Fawkes also known as Guido Fawkes was a Christian (A Roman Catholic to be exact), and was a soldier for the Catholic Spain Army who fought in the 8 year war against the Protestant Dutch Reformist.
He was caught guarding a massive amount of explosive while trying to assassinate King James 1 and intended to restore the throne with a Catholic Christian King.
Guy Fawkes was a hero for Catholics all around the world.
Guy Fawkes Mask In Malaysia:
Guy Fawkes was a hero who tried to restore Catholicism in the English monarchy. He is seen as a symbol of hope that one person if he/she has the conviction to Catholicism and the ideology of a Christian Catholic nation can make a change.
A Change That Will Shook The Very Foundation Of The World.
Our hope to have a Christian Malaysian nation is brighter as more Malaysian wears the face of the martyr.
Hallelujah God Be With Us!
Monday, December 16, 2013
Gaji Pemimpin Naik Tapi Sambutan Christmas Di Subang , Selangor Hambar.
**We received an email pertaining a complaint from a Subang Jaya resident on their resentment towards Hannah Yeoh. This is purely his view and not of us. give us your feedback via email to us:
Salam Sejahtera Mr Darson dan para pejuang di CU4M,
Nama saya Tony Anak Gelanggang, berasal dari Sarawak dan telah menetap di Subang Jaya selama lebih dari 10 tahun. Saya juga pengundi yang berdaftar di Subang. Saya bekerja sebagai salesman di salah sebuah syarikat kenderaan di Subang Jaya.
Saya ingin menyuarakan pendapat saya terhadap kepemimpinan YB Hannah Yeoh. Sebelum ini saya merasakan YB Hannah Yeoh adalah seorang mubaligh yang sangat hebat. Beliau dan suaminya merupakan contoh kepada kami semua. Namun begitu setelah dua penggal Subang Jaya diperintah oleh parti DAP, saya merasakan kehadiran mereka sebagai pemimpin di sini tidak menjalankan tanggungjawab yang sepatutnya.
Pada saya, mereka terlalu banyak bercakap dan memperlekehkan kerajaan persekutuan tetapi mereka sendiri tidak bekerja untuk rakyat. Saya ahli parti DAP dan juga jentera pilihanraya semasa PRU-12 dan juga ke-13. Namun begitu, ternyata usaha kami untuk memartabatkan rakyat adalah satu usaha hambar.
Akibat melanggar lubang tersebut, motorsikal saya mengalami kerosakkan yang amat kronik lantas saya terpaksa menghabiskan sebanyak RM 500 untuk membaiki absorber dan rim motorsikal saya yang sudah rosak. Duit itu sepatutnya saya gunakan untuk membaiki wiring dan singki di rumah sempena sambutan Krismas nanti. Sekarang anak dan isteri saya bersedih kerana singki dan wiring di rumah saya masih belum dibaiki.
Untunglah YB Hannah Yeoh dapat naik gaji. Dia semakin kaya tetapi kami disini semakin miskin dan susah. Saya mahu tanya kepada YB Hannah Yeoh, apakah kebaikan yang pernah kamu lakukan kepada orang-orang miskin bandar di Subang Jaya? Kamu telah merosakkan hari krismas kami. Semoga Tuhan Yang Maha Esa akan mengampunkan dosa kamu kerana merosakkan kegembiraan kami.
Tony Anak Gelanggang,
Subang Jaya.
Hannah Yeoh is the richest government servant in Selangor?
When she was elected to the state seat we cheered for her. When she was appointed as speaker of the state of Selangor, we stood up and gave her a standing ovation.
It was a glorious day to see the Selangor state assembly to be blessed by a young Christian. We hoped that her tenure in the state seat would bring us much hope and help. Not just for Christian in Selangor but also for all Christian in Malaysia.
However, when the Chief Minister of Selangor announced that all Selangor elected state members were to be given a pay raise, we were shocked that Hannah Yeoh did not say anything. She merely complied without saying a word.
We are not mad at her, we are just disappointed that she did not decline the raise as she would benefit much more than the others.
As a devout Christian we hope that she would some of her earnings for the benefit of the people in Malaysia.
We are still happy for her. But we hope that she will say something, as she is the icon of this
Sunday, December 15, 2013
What does it mean to be a Christian?
Some people think that to be a Christian means you can't see movies, that you can't dance, can't have a drink, or that you can't have any more fun. That isn't true. Christianity isn't about rules and regulations to follow. It is about a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.
In the Old Testament times God gave the Law which had to be followed precisely. There were instructions about clothes, food, what you could or could not do on the Sabbath, what you had to do in the temple, how priests were to carry out their functions, how strangers were to be treated, how people were to be punished, etc. All these things were to be observed properly and precisely since all of them affected their standing before God. That was in Old Testament times, but now we have Jesus and the requirements of the Law are no longer necessary for us in order to please God.
Being a Christian means that you are changed on the inside, not controlled from the outside. It means that your heart has been changed by the presence of God. It does not mean that you are required to go to church, required to pay tithes, required to be good, required to do anything in order to stay a Christian. It means you desire to do those things because you've been changed.
Regeneration means that there has been an actual change in a person. When someone becomes a Christian by trusting in the sacrifice of Christ alone for the forgiveness of his sins, then the Holy Spirit has come and lives in that person. Because the person has been changed from the inside, he does not desire to do those things that are contrary to God. Therefore, he will naturally desire to go to church. He will desire to be good, to be honest, etc. He does not go to church, or be good, or be honest, in order to be a Christian. He does those things because he already is one. It means that those things he desires to do change. He wants to change and wants to please God -- from the inside.
So, being a Christian means that you have encountered the true and living God and that you have undergone a change in your heart and soul. It means that you are not restricted to the Laws of right and wrong in order to please God because you cannot please God by what you do. God will only find pleasure in you through Jesus Christ.
To be a Christian means to follow Christ, to desire Him, to fellowship with Him, to be indwelt by Him, and to bring glory to Him in your life.
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