In Allah We Trust

A New Hope
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Jika PAS bertanding lawan Anwar Ibrahim di Kajang, Tempat PAS adalah sehina UMNO.
Kami di CU4M mendapat berita bahawa Parti Islam Se-Malaysia akan bertanding di Dun Kajang. Apakah natijahnya pihak PAS ingin melakukan perkara tersebut. Adakah ianya untuk menyekat kebebasan yang akan pasti dibawa oleh Anwar Ibrahim di dalam negeri Selangor ini?
Kami ingin mengingatkan pihak PAS bahawa PAS tidak mampu untuk menjaga kebajikan rakyat Selangor. Kononya sebagai parti bumiputera terkuat di dalam Pakatan Rakyat, PAS harus sedar bahawa mereka tidak mampu untuk melaksanakan apa yang diperlukan oleh rakyat Selangor. Sebab itulah mereka gagal dalam usaha untuk memgang tampuk pemerintahan negeri tersebut. Jika mereka yang terkuat, maka kenapa tiada seorang pun diantara mereka yang memantau pergerakan JAIS semasa mereka menindas orang Kristian di Selangor?
Amaran kepada PAS. Jika mereka menguji kekuatan kami, mereka akan GAGAL.
Anwar Ibrahim For Kajang!
Admin CU4M.
Anwar Ibrahim Adalah Pembebas Rakyat Malaysia.
#prkkajang #anwar4kajang
Tidak perlu rasanya CU4M menulis panjang tentang ketokohan Anwar Ibrahim. Beliau bukan sahaja seorang pemimpin politik tetapi merupakan pemimpin yang tersohor yang dikenali seluruh dunia. Dunia mengiktiraf Anwar Ibrahim dan kebenaran ini yang cuba ditutup oleh pihak tertentu untuk menghalang pembebasan yang semakin dekat untuk rakyat Malaysia.
Hari pembebasan sudah dekat untuk Malaysia. Anwar Ibrahim akan sentiasa membantu kira tidak kira agama dan bangsa. Konsep satu Malaysia yang dicanang oleh PM Najib akan disempurnakan oleh Anwar Ibrahim tanpa menggunakan apa-apa konsultan.
Ya! Inilah harinya Anwar Ibrahim akan menang dan membentuk tapak pertama untuk kemasyuran rakyat Malaysia.
Kita semua yakin dengan Anwar Ibrahim. Seorang pemengang obor kebenaran. Semua rakan-rakan kita diseluruh dunia sudah bersedia dengan perubahan yang bakal dinikmati oleh kita di Malaysia. Rakan-rakan kita di Singapura contohnya, sudah bersedia untuk berarak dengan kemenangan apabila rakyat dapat menawan Putrajaya nanti.
Begitu juga dengan rakan-rakan kita di Filipina, Indonesia dan Thailand. Kita akan disatukan dengan nama Tuhan yang satu.
Semoga Yesus akan menjadi pelindung dan pemberi jalan kepada Anwar Ibrahim. Kami berdoa setiap hari agar Allah akan merahmati Anwar Ibrahim. Seorang pemimpin yang berusaha untuk mendapat kebaikkan di dunia dan di alam barzakh nanti..
Admin CU4M.
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Anwar tanding bukan soal hendak jawatan - Azmin
KAJANG: Pengerusi Majlis Kepimpinan Keadilan Selangor Azmin Ali menegaskan keputusan meletakkan Ketua Umum PKR Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim bertanding di Dun Kajang bukanlah satu perjudian seperti mana dituduh pelbagai pihak.
Beliau berkata, keputusan yang dibuat parti itu bukan mudah tetapi ia perlu komitmen oleh PKR dan Pakatan Rakyat bahawa PRK Kajang nanti akan menjadi bukti lonjakan dan sokongan rakyat kepada Pakatan Rakyat.
"Dalam PRU lalu kita mendapat undi popular 52 peratus, insyallah di PRK Kajang nanti ia akan terus melonjakkan sokongan rakyat kepada kita seterusnya pada PRU14," katanya ketika berucap dalam Taklimat Pilihan Raya N25 Kajang di Sungai Sekamat.
Beliau turut menafikan bahawa Anwar kemaruk untuk menjadi Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri sebaliknya menyifatkan pengorbanan Anwar yang dilihat sebagai pimpinan peringkat negara namun sanggup turun ke peringkat bawah.
"Anwar pemimpin politik bertaraf dunia dia bukan milik Malaysia, Kajang, Selangor sahaja tetapi negara di Timur Tengah perlukan beliau.
"Bukan soal jawatan! Kalau hendak jadi PM tahun 2008 lagi dah jadi. Kalau ikut telunjuk Dr Mahathir dah lama dah ," katanya di hadapan kira-kira lebih 150 petugas jentera pilihan raya.
Bagaimanapun Azmin turut memaklumkan beliau akan mengadakan perbincangam bersama Pesuruhjaya PAS selangor Iskandar Samad dan Pengerusi DAP Selangor Tony Pua sebagai persiapan untuk PRK manti.
"Saya sudah hubungi mereka berdua pagi ini dan lepas ini kami akan adakan perbincangan serius untuk lihat bentuk kerjasama dan permuafakatan Pakatan Rakyat yang dapat diterjemahkan dalam bentuk tenaga kerja di Kajang nanti,"katanya.
Anwar Ibrahim Akan Selamatkan Orang Kristian Di Selangor.
Seperti yang kita tahu, polemik dan masalah yang dihadapi oleh rakyat Malaysia yang beragama Kristian bermula di Selangor. Ya memang benar kita boleh menunding jari kearah kerajaan Persekutuan namun begitu hakikatnya kerajaan Negeri Selangor gagal dalam mengawal kesamsengan JAIS yang berada dibawah peruntukkan undang-undang kerajaan negeri Selangor.
Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim yang sememangnya perihatin keatas rintihan kaum minoriti yang sering dinafikan hak mereka. Dan dengan ini kami di CU4M ingin menyuarakan sokongan kami terhadap kempen Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim sebagai PRK N25 DUN Kajang.
Adalah dengan ini kami akan menggerakkan segala tenaga dan usaha kami untuk memastikan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim memenangi pilihanraya tersebut dan seterusnya menjadi Menteri Besar Selangor sekaligus melindungi semua orang-orang Kristian di Negeri Selangor daripada sebagarang ketiadakadilan dan penindasan.
Semoga Allah, Yesus dan Ruhul Kudus melindungi dan memberi kemenangan kepada beliau untuk menerajui negeri Selangor yang kita semua cintai ini.
Admin CU4M
Monday, January 27, 2014
Karangkraf calls off public debate on Allah issue between Noh Omar and Khalid Samad
SELANGOR: The highly anticipated public debate between Selangor Umno chief Noh Omar and the Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad today on the Allah issue has been called off as religious tension continues to rise between Muslims and Christians.
The cancellation of the debate, organised by Malay language daily Sinar Harian, was announced late last night. It was to have been held at 2pm today in Shah Alam.
Karangkraf Media Group executive editorial advisor Abd Jalil Ali said the event was cancelled after considering "various angles on the current situation".
He said various religious leaders, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and concerned citizens had also expressed reservations on the debate and thus Karangkraf had decided to cancel the event.
"We understand the feelings and sentiments of the public and thus, we made this decision," he said in a statement.
Tension has been flaring over the use of the Arabic word Allah by non-Muslims, with Muslim groups insisting the word is exclusive to Islam.
In October last year, the appellate court upheld the Home Ministry's ban on Herald, prohibiting the Catholic publication from using the word Allah in its Bahasa Malaysia edition.
The case is now pending before the Federal Court, which is set to hear arguments from both sides on March 5 before deciding on whether it will hear an appeal by the Catholic Church.
Earlier this month, the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (Jais) raided the Bible Society of Malaysia and seized over 300 copies of its Malay and Iban language bibles, which contain the word Allah.
The raid also threw the spotlight on Putrajaya’s 10-point solution that was introduced in 2011 to allow Christians to continue using Bibles in the national and other native languages.
Christians form about 9% of Malaysia's 29 million population.
Almost two-thirds of Christians in Malaysia are Bumiputera and are largely based in Sabah and Sarawak, where they routinely use Bahasa Malaysia and indigenous languages in their religious practices, including describing God as “Allah” in their prayers and holy book.
Besides the Bumiputera Christians from Sabah and Sarawak, some of whom have moved to the peninsula to live and work, Orang Asli Christians in the peninsula also typically use Bahasa Malaysia in their worship. --The Malaysian Insider
Serangan gereja: Ini baru permulaan, kata pemimpin Sarawak
SARAWAK: Dua ahli politik Sarawak memberi amaran serangan bom Molotov Cocktail ke atas gereja di Pulau Pinang semalam hanya "permulaan bagi lebih banyak yang akan berlaku" dengan salah seorang berkata insiden tersebut berlaku disebabkan perdana menteri terlalu "lemah".
Menteri Kemajuan Tanah Sarawak, Tan Sri Dr James Masing, yang terkenal dengan kelantangannya berkata, serangan tersebut membimbangkan kerana ia jelas amaran kepada penganut Kristian untuk menghentikan perjuangan menuntut penggunaan kalimah Allah dalam Bible berbahasa Melayu.
"Saya sudah katakan sebelum ini, awan mendung sudah tiba dan ini baru permulaan. Sekarang sudah makin merisaukan dengan laporan keganasan sebegini," kata pemimpin politik Sarawak itu mengulas letupan di luar gereja Pulau Pinang semalam.
Masing berharap keganasan ini tidak akan bertambah buruk sehingga tidak terkawal.
Minggu lalu, dalam tindak balas terhadap perintah Yang di-Pertuan Agong yang menyatakan perkataan seperti Allah adalah eksklusif untuk orang Islam sahaja, Masing berkata, perintah tersebut adalah petanda 'awan mendung semakin hampir'.
Masing yang juga presiden parti komponen Barisan Nasional, Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) berkata, keadaan semakin muram bagi penganut Kristian di negara yang sepatutnya mementingkan toleransi antara agama, dan kini dengan jelas ingin memastikan perkataan Allah hanya untuk orang Muslim.
Ketua PKR Sarawak, Baru Bian yang memberikan reaksi lebih tajam, berkata: "Inilah yang berlaku apabila perdana menteri kita lemah."
Beliau mengecam Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak kerana membisu dalam tempoh yang lama berkaitan isu kalimah Allah sehingga memberikan peluang kepada golongan kanan Melayu dan ahli Umno ambil kesempatan untuk mengipas lagi api perselisihan antara agama.
Najib cuba memecahkan tembok membisunya dengan mengeluarkan kenyataan bahawa penyelesaian 10-perkara masih berkuatkuasa di Sabah dan Sarawak menyebabkan ia masih tertakluk kepada enakmen negeri masing-masing, namun kenyataan tersebut hanya menarik lebih kritikan.
Dua ahli Parlimen Islam yang meneraju usaha membina hubungan baik antara Islam dan Kristian berhubung isu kalimah Allah, menggesa penganut Kristian supaya tidak terpedaya dengan provokasi.
Ahli Parlimen Shah Alam, Khalid Samad dan Ahli Parlimen Sepang, Hanipa Maidin dalam usaha meyakinkan penganut Katolik supaya bersabar dan berkata, bom Molotov tersebut dilemparkan oleh mereka yang ingin mewujudkan ketegangan kaum dan agama.
"Tindakan tersebut tidak bertanggungjawab dan tidak muslimah. Setiap orang Islam harus mengutuk perbuatan tersebut dan sama sekali tidak membenarkan agen provokatur untuk memburukkan nama Islam dan menukarkannya kepada agama permusuhan dan kebencian," kata Khalid.
Mereka yang bertanggungjawab, katanya, menggunakan nama Islam untuk meningkatkan ketegangan antara agama supaya dapat 'bertahan dalam suasana politik'.
"Sudah saya katakan sebelum ini. Sesetengah parti ingin mewujudkan ketegangan kaum dan polarisasi agama supaya ia kelihatan mereka menjaga kepentingan rakyat.
"Mereka menggunakan agama Islam untuk niat jahat dan tidak mengikut ajaran Islam.
Hanipa berkata, insiden tersebut penuh dengan niat jahat dan ia dilakukan oleh 'pihak tidak bertanggungjawab' yang ingin menghasut.
"Saya berharap bukan orang Islam yang bertanggungjawab. Agama Islam tidak memaafkan atau membenarkan apa-apa provokasi," katanya.
Beliau percaya insiden tersebut dan provokasi lain yang berkaitan dengan isu kalimah Allah adalah taktik mengalihkan perhatian rakyat daripada isu penting seperti kos hidup yang meningkat.
Hanipa dan Khalid adalah pemimpin PAS yang giat berusaha mengadakan dialog dengan penganut Kristian bersama ahli parti mereka, Datuk Mujahid Yusof Rawa, sejak isu ini meletup pada 2009.
Ketegangan semakin meningkat di Pulau Pinang Ahad lalu apabila sepanduk dengan tulisan, "Allah Maha Besar, Jesus anak kepada Allah," digantung di luar lima gereja di Pulau Pinang - gereja Victory Lutheran, gereja St John Britto Catholic, gereja Church of the Immaculate Conception dan gereja Church of the Assumption dan Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary di Butterworth.
Serangan bom Molotov di gereja Church of the Assumption di Lebuh Farquhar, Pulau Pinang Ahad lalu, tiba hanya sebulan selepas permohonan gereja Katolik kepada Mahkamah Persekutuan.
Gereja tersebut mengemukakan rayuan atas keputusan Mahkamah Rayuan yang membatalkan keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi yang membenarkan mingguan Katolik, Herald menggunakan perkataan Allah.
Susulan keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi pada 2009, sebanyak 10 gereja dan beberapa masjid diserang atau dirosakkan di seluruh negara.
Tiga gereja di Kuala Lumpur juga diserang bom Molotov. --The Malaysian Insider
In the aftermath of church attack, Sarawak leaders warn of more to come
SARAWAK: Two Sarawak politicians warned that a Molotov cocktail attack at a Penang church was "the beginning of things to come", with one saying the incident happened because of a "weak prime minister".
Outspoken Sarawak Land Development Minister Tan Sri James Masing said the attack was worrying as it was clearly a warning to cow Christians into giving up their struggle in the "Allah" row.
"I have said it before. The dark clouds are approaching and this is probably just the beginning. It is getting very worrying now with reports of such violence,” the Sarawak minister said of the latest acts of violence and provocation against Christians.
Masing hoped that the violence will not get any worse and spiral out of control.
Last week, Masing, in reacting to the decree by the Sultan of Kedah, who is the reigning Yang di-Pertuan Agong, that several words, including Allah, are exclusive to Muslims, said the decree was a signal that "dark clouds are approaching".
Masing, president of the Barisan Nasional (BN) component party Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS), said it was getting ominous for Christians in the country where religious tolerance is concerned, with a clear trend now to push the use of the word Allah exclusively for Muslims.
Sarawak PKR chief Baru Bian was more biting in his reaction. "This is what you get when you have a weak prime minister".
He slammed Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak for being silent on the Allah row for a long spell, which far-right Malay groups and Umno members took advantage to fan religious intolerance.
Najib broke his silence last week, but his statement that the 10-point solution still stands in Sabah and Sarawak but in the peninsula, it was subjected to the respective state enactments, drawing more criticism.
Two Muslim lawmakers, who have spearheaded efforts to build bridges between Christians and Muslims following the "Allah" row, have also urged Christians not to fall into the trap set by agent provocateurs.
Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad and Sepang MP Hanipa Maidin in urging Catholics to remain calm, said yesterday's firebombing of the church was carried out by those out to instigate racial and religious tensions.
"It was an irresponsible and very un-Islamic act. Every Muslim should condemn it and not allow these provocateurs to hijack the name of Islam and turn it into a religion of enmity and hatred," Khalid said.
These instigators, he said, were using the name of Islam to create religious tension to "survive the political climate".
"I have said this before. Certain parties want to create racial and religious polarisation in order to appear as if they are looking out for the people," he added.
"They are using the religion for bad intentions and are not following the teachings of Islam.
Hanipa, in calling the incident "wicked", said this was done by "irresponsible people" who were out to incite tension.
"I hope it is not a Muslim who did it. Islam does not condone nor allow any acts of provocation," he said.
The remains of a Molotov cocktail, believed to be one of two thrown at the church in Lebuh Farquhar, Penang, yesterday morning. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Hasnoor Hussain, January 28, 2014.The remains of a Molotov cocktail, believed to be one of two thrown at the church in Lebuh Farquhar, Penang, yesterday morning. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Hasnoor Hussain, January 28, 2014.He believed that the incident – along with a string of other "provocations" connected to the "Allah" row – was to divert the attention of the public from other pressing issues such as the rising cost of living.
Both Hanipa and Khalid, who are also PAS leaders, have been instrumental in holding dialogues with Christians along with their party member Datuk Mujahid Yusof Rawa, after the Allah issue blew up in 2009.
Tensions heightened in Penang on Sunday when banners which read, "Allah is Great, Jesus is the son of Allah", were hung outside five churches in Penang – the Victory Lutheran Church, St John Britto Catholic Church, The Church of the Immaculate Conception and the Church of the Assumption on the island and the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Butterworth.This banner was found at the entrance of five churches in Penang last Sunday. – Pic courtesy of Anil Netto, January 28, 2014.This banner was found at the entrance of five churches in Penang last Sunday. – Pic courtesy of Anil Netto, January 28, 2014.
The firebomb attack at the Church of the Assumption in Lebuh Farquhar, Penang, on Sunday came just about a month before the Catholic church's leave application to the Federal Court.
The church is appealing against the Court of Appeal ruling, which overturned a High Court decision which allowed Catholic weekly, Herald, to use the word "Allah".
Following the High Court decision in 2009, some 10 churches and few mosques were attacked or vandalised nationwide. Three churches in Kuala Lumpur were also firebombed. --The Malaysian Insider
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Apakah Yesus Kristus adalah Allah?
"Iman Kristen adalah sesuatu yang tidak diusahakan mendapatkannya seperti yang dikehendaki. Itu lebih kepada temuan yang sulit dengan membiarkan tanpa mengusahakannya"
I found my Answers: Testimony of a Malay Christian.
My name is Tarmizi and I am an ethnic Malay from Malaysia. I am presently working in the private sector.
After this study I attended a worship service somewhere in Kuala Lumpur. I went to church on my own initiative. Before going, I called the church to introduce myself as well as to inform them of my intentions to know more about Christianity. I was told that I was welcome to attend the service. I was happy when I attended the service. The people were friendly and I felt welcome. I also did not see any statues, which made me glad. The church was one big hall and it look just like a Mosque.
I was expecting Holy Communion to be served because I was told that that was the way Muslims were "trapped" - once they had eaten the bread, their hearts would become darken and they would forget everything. I was glad that this did not happen - Communion was not served that day! At the end of the meeting I was given a prospectus and encouraged to consider seriously what I wanted to believe.
In my heart I wanted to believe but I had my doubts. I asked myself, "What good would this bring to me?" I asked this question because I believed (at that time) that in Malaysia there was "no way a Muslim could become a follower of 'Isa". Questions like, "What would it cost me? What will I have to face? Am I making the right move?" plagued me. With so many questions unanswered, I put it off (i.e. believing in Hazrat 'Isa).
I became a religious Muslim again after this event. Family and friends encouraged me to pray and I joined them whenever I was asked to. Then I began to relax again. This happened a couple of times. For 6 months I would be enthusiastic in carrying out my Islamic obligations and then I would cool off. I was also quite influenced by my surroundings. Just before I got married, I was on a religious high. I never missed my five times of prayer. My wife (then my fiancée) had a great influence on me. Whenever I called her, she would ask, "What time did you wake up?" I usually woke up late so she knew I had not woken up to do my morning prayers. She then would ask me, "Why didn’t you get up early to pray?" With her constant encouragement I reached a stage where I was on a spiritual high.
It was at this time that I went to Mecca for the umrah. While observing the activities of the many people and races from all parts of the world who were there, I could clearly see the different types of schools in Islam from the different types of prayers that were being made. Though same in focus and direction, their prayers were different in method. These differences became a dilemma for me. I had been taught that the pattern for prayer was set and it had to be strictly followed. Yet here in Mecca itself, I was seeing different patterns of prayer being followed. I wondered which pattern was the right one and whether the pattern of prayer I had being observing all this while was right. If it was not, all my prayers so far would have been unacceptable to God! If it were right, then the prayers I saw being performed before my own eyes were actually unacceptable to God. This was a very disturbing conclusion.
The style of prayer is not mentioned in the Quran, only in the sayings of the prophet. How one interprets these sayings would determine how one prays. When one becomes so accustomed to a set pattern of prayer, there is bound to be questions when different patterns are observed elsewhere. For example, hand positions. Is the hand stretched out straight, or can it be moved to the left or the right? What about pauses in between - are there any or none? Matters like these are all not mentioned nor confirmed in the Quran. Islamic scholars would interpret the sayings of the prophet differently, each scholar giving a different interpretation. I witnessed and experienced different and new expressions of prayer because of these different schools of thought (almost, if not all were not subscribed to in Malaysia). In Malaysia we subscribe to the Shafie school of thought. So I prayed the Malaysian way!
Deep in my heart, whilst in Mecca, I had questions. I asked myself, "Why are we doing what we are doing? Why should we imitate what a Prophet did more than a thousand years ago?" I questioned the logic of this whole exercise. I struggled in my mind. "These things were done so long ago. Am I doing what is actually RIGHT?" I asked. When I rushed in after competing with many others to kiss the black stone I asked myself, "Why? Why? Why? What is this FOR?"
When I came back from Mecca I began to relax my observation of prayer times. I then began to think about Christianity again. Even so, there was still nothing significant happening because nobody told me anything (about Christianity) - what it really was and what’s the difference (between Islam and Christianity).
Suddenly a thought struck my mind. I took the Yellow Pages and I called up a church at random. I spoke to an Indian person who invited me to come out and meet her. So I went to see her. I asked her a few questions. One was concerning the use of statues. Previously, a Filipino friend had given me a small statue of Jesus. I brought it with me and mentioned it to this lady. She said, "This is not right". That was the first time I had heard such an answer. I was happy to hear it. She then explained more, gave me a leaflet and asked me to go home and read it. After reading the leaflet, I met with her again and informed her that I was interested in accepting Hazrat 'Isa as my Savior. I asked her, "Can you teach me to accept 'Isa as my personal Saviour?" On that day she helped me receive Jesus as my own Saviour by saying a prayer with me. I simply followed her in a prayer that she prayed, a simple prayer of repentance and dedication to Hazrat 'Isa. I was also given a copy of the Bible.
She then said that it would be inappropriate for her as a lady to continue guiding me. It would be better if I had a brother to guide and teach me instead. She gave me M’s contact and he has been very helpful since then.
I don’t ask why nowadays because I’ve found the answers. After my conversion, a friend gave me a book that helped answer all my doubts. It was a book with answers from the Bible on the common questions a new believer would ask. It was a very helpful book.
As a follower of Hazrat 'Isa in a Muslim community, I have to be careful in expressing my belief. The Muslim community can be quite belligerent toward those who leave Islam, and terribly unreasonably so. Fearful, oppressive and punitive repercussions are all brought to bear upon detractors of Islam and those who even dare to consider alternatives to Islam! All kinds of terrible consequences are conjured up for those who are considered 'apostates'.
There have been some significant changes in my beliefs since I started following Isa Al-Masih. When I was a Muslim, God was a feared Being, a Punisher. Now I see Him differently. He is still most supreme but He is also someone loving I can talk to and share things with. I know He is listening and he is very close to me. For me, Isa Al-Masih is Savior and God. This I always remember when I pray.
I believe the greatest blessing I have received from God is to be chosen by Him for salvation. God has chosen me and I believe His plan for me is to share what I know to other Malay Muslims. Recently I had the opportunity to talk to a Malay girl. We talked about many things - her Christian friends, the Bible, and the identity of 'Isa Al-Masih - but she was not prepared to take the step of faith. She, however, agreed that to be Malaydoes not necessarily mean one has to be a Muslim.
It is my sincere hope that the Malaysian government would be more open about conversion of Muslims to other religions. I hope that there will be no threats and that they would be consistent in their decisions. So far they have been lax one day and tough the next, especially when they come under pressure from certain quarters. I would like the government’s decision to be in black and white, allowing the people to decide whom they want to worship. I look for the day when there would be a freedom to chose ones faith and be respected by friends, family, society and workplace for the choice that has been made.
Molotov cocktails thrown at Penang church
The Church of the Assumption in Lebuh Farquhar has been attacked in the early morning after a controversial banner with the word "Allah" found outside the church on Sunday, police said today.
Penang police chief SDCP Datuk Abdul Rahim said two Molotov cocktails were thrown into the church compound about 1.30am early today.
"However only one exploded as the other one fell on the grass.
"Initial investigations showed that two men on a motorcycle committed the crime," he was quoted as saying by The Star.
Representatives from the church, and a few other churches in the area have lodged police reports over controversial banners that were put up at the their entrances.
In 2010, several churches nationwide and a Catholic school were attacked at the height of the Allah controversy, following the High Court's ruling disputing the Home Ministry's ban on the use of the word "Allah" by Catholic weekly Herald.
The Metro Tabernacle church in Kuala Lumpur suffered the worst attack after arsonists burned down their premises in Desa Melawati, leaving their ground floor damaged. The church has since moved to a new building in Batu Caves.
In August 2010, the Sessions Court found siblings Raja Muhammad Faizal Raja Ibrahim and Raja Muhammad Idzham Raja Ibrahim guilty of the attack. - January 27, 2014.
Kematian Harun Taib Membawa Seribu Makna Kepada Malaysia.
Mungkin ramai diantara kita yang tidak mengetahui siapakah sebenarnya Arwah Harun Taib. Ada juga diantara kita yang tahu siapa dia dan apa yang telah beliau lakukan untuk negaranya.
Izinkan kami di Christian United 4 Malaysia untuk menceritakan sedikit tentang perihal Arwah Harun Taib, beliau merupakan seorang pejuang rakyat dari Terengganu. Sememangnya semangat beliau dalam mempertahankan negeri Terengganu daripada terus dikuasai oleh Barisan Nasional sememangnya ditakuti oleh pihak lawan.
Beliau juga merupakan Ketua Dewan Ulama PAS Malaysia. Ilmu kerohanian Islam yang beliau ada sememangnya tinggi.
Namun begitu, ada beberapa ketika semasa hanyatnya beliau cuba untuk menentang kehendak rakyat dengan bersengkongkol dengan kemunafikkan Barisan Nasional. Ini berlaku apabila isu kalimah Allah dimainkan oleh konco-konco UMNO dan Barisan Nasional.
Mungkin juga pada masa itu Arwah Harun Taib sudah sakit dan tidak sedar akan tindakan yang telah beliau lakukan. Beliau dengan terang dan jelas menentang penggunaan kalimah Allah kepada orang bukan Islam.
Walauapapun hasilnya, kami akan berdoa kepada Jesus agar Harun Taib terus dirahmati dan disayangi di Syurga bersama dengan Allah.
Admin CU4M
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Perkasa: Khairy, kamu hanya menteri belia dan sukan, jangan cakap soal kalimah Allah
Pertubuhan Pribumi Perkasa (Perkasa) hari ini mempersoalkan kenyataan Ketua Pemuda Umno Khairy Jamaluddin Abu Bakar berkenaan penyelesaian 10 perkara yang membenarkan bible Bahasa Melayu menggunakan perkataan Allah.
Kumpulan pendesak Melayu itu menegaskan, Khairy, yang juga Menteri Belia dan Sukan tidak seharusnya menjadi jurucakap Putrajaya memandangkan perkara berkenaan bukanlah di bawah bidang kuasa pemimpin muda itu.
"Perkasa ingin menanya kepada YB Khairy, apa dia 10 perkara penyelesaian Putrajaya dalam isu bible Bahasa Melayu?
"Tolong senaraikan 10 perkara itu? Apakah ada sebut kebenaran penggunaan kalimah Allah dalam bible Bahasa Melayu dalam 10 perkara itu?" soal Setiausaha Agung Perkasa Syed Hassan Syed Ali (gambar), lewat petang tadi di Kuala Lumpur.
Khairy awal hari ini berkata Putrajaya komited dengan penyelesaian 10 perkara yang mengatakan bible Bahasa Melayu boleh menggunakan perkataan Allah, namun rampasan bible berkenaan terletak di bawah bidang kuasa kerajaan negeri Selangor.
Putrajaya juga jelas Khairy ingin "meredakan ketegangan" berkenaan perdebatan atas isu tersebut, meskipun penyelesaian terhadap 10 perkara itu dimeterai pada 2011 bersama pemimpin Kristian.
"Kurang komen isu ini lebih baik. Sudah tentu kerajaan persekutuan komited kepada penyelesaian 10 Perkara dan perkara itu jelas.
"Apabila berkata tentang enakmen, ia sepenuhnya di bawah pertimbangan kerajaan negeri," katanya.
Perkasa bagaimanapun menasihati Khairy agar beliau seharusnya mengeluarkan kenyataan berhubung soal parti, bukannya soal pentadbiran Putrajaya.
"Jangan jadi jurucakap Putrajaya sebab kamu itu hanya menteri belia dan sukan. Bukan perdana menteri atau menteri yang menjaga hal ehwal Islam," tegas Perkasa dalam kenyataannya.
"Sebagai ketua Pemuda Umno dan BN (Barisan Nasional) selayaknya bercakap hak berkaitan parti bukan hal urusan kerajaan kecuali kementerian kamu," tambahnya.
Perkasa turut berkata, pihaknya langsung tidak mendapati kenyataan Khairy berhubung titah Yang di-Pertuan Agong sempena ulang tahun kelahirannya baru-baru menetapkan perkataan Allah adalah hak eksklusif Muslim.
"Kami tak membaca di mana-mana media komen YB Khairy berkaitan titah Tuanku Yang Di-Pertuan Agong itu," katanya.
Pertubuhan itu turut menggesa Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom memberi penjelasan berhubung 10 perkara berkenaan.
"Perkasa desak menteri yang menjaga hal ehwal Islam DS Jamil Khir perjelaskan 10 perkara yang dimaksudkan itu apakah membabitkan kebenaran pengunaan kalimah Allah dalam bible Bahasa Melayu?"
"Perkasa masih simpan rekod bahawa YB Khairy antara orang terawal yang berada di sebuah gereja yang terbakar beberapa tahun lalu tetapi tidak nampak muka di mana-mana masjid dan surau yang telah dilempar kepala dan isi babi sebelum ini.
"Apakah itu perjuangan seorang ketua Pemuda Umno?" soal pertubuhan berkenaan itu lagi. – 24 Januari, 2014.
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Muslim official stands up for persecuted Christians
The United Kingdom’s highest-ranking Muslim spoke out against the religious persecution of Christians minorities around the world earlier this month.
Minister of Faith Baronness Sayeeda Warsi addressed the violence against religious minorities—especially Catholics, Protestants, and Orthodox Christians—in the Middle East in a speech at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C.
Ex-Muslims Denounce Islam - Faith Freedom International
Ex-Muslims Denounce Islam - Faith Freedom International
Dear brothers and sisters in humanity. Dear Muslims.A Call To Muslims of the World
Faith Freedom International
The tragic incident of September 11 has shocked the world. It is unthinkable how anyone could be so full of hate as to commit such heinous act and kill so many innocent people. We people of Muslim origin are as much shaken as the rest of the world and yet we find ourselves looked upon with suspicion and distrust by our neighbors and fellow citizens. We want to cry out and announce that we are not terrorists, that those who perpetrate such despicable act are murderers and are not part of us. But, in reality, because of our Muslim origin we just can not erase the stigma of "Islamic Terrorists" from our identity!
Learn our history well. All Hail The King.
We receive this e-mail from a fellow Christian in Johor.
Dear CU4M readers,
I just want to say that I'm a proud Malaysian Christian. I was not born a Christian, but I converted to Christianity for over 20 years ago. For me Christianity is not merely another religion, but it is my way of life. I embrace the concept of God not only as the creator of man kind, but also as a guide for my every day life. Now, I tried to live my life as pure as can be, as God has wanted us to be.
20 years ago, there was a lot of sentiments against Christian converts. If you came from a Muslim family, then your struggle is much more harder than converts from other religion. I experience this first hand. That is why I've kept my religion to myself. I don't flaunt it around like some people do as I fear that it might hurt their feeling or they might hurt mine.
I believe, religion whatever you choose is a sacred relationship of you and your God. Regardless of your religion, no one can make another person do what they do not want to do. I believe that 20 years ago, and I believe it now.
As a former Muslim, I understand why Muslims are mad when Christians in Malaysia tries to use the word Allah. We have to admit that they used Allah to refer to their God hundreds of years ago even before Christianity has landed in Malaysia.
All I can see is that some of the non-Muslims politicians are capitalizing on this issue as it will guarantee them more support from the non-Muslim community. To tell you the truth, Muslims Malays are one of the kindest people that you can befriend as a Christian.
Muslims in Malaysia respect Christianity and even celebrates Christmas with all of us Christians. Try saying Merry Christmas to Jew's in places such as New York. You are going to be scolded in public. I experience this first hand.
We should cherish our relationship with the Muslims in this country.
We should also respect and acknowledge their presence as the majority race in Malaysia.
We should also respect the King and the Malay Sultans as it is with their kindness that Christianity is acknowledge as a faith in Malaysia. Can you imagine what would happen if the Malay Sultanate didn't approve Christianity to be set up in our country hundreds of years ago? Will there be a Christian minister in Malaysia as we have it now?
No matter what religion do we profess, we are still Malaysian. And as a Malaysian we must respect our King and our flag. Your PATRIOTISM should not die just because you have converted to another religion.
Moses Azeez
Kota Tinggi Johor
Kristian Sabah bekerjasama halang diislamkan
Kumpulan Kristian yang mewakili pelbagai kelompok dominasi di Sabah kini bekerjasama dalam kempen persaingan agama susulan beberapa cubaan untuk mengislamkan mereka.
Perpaduan Anak Negeri Sabah (PAN) akan keluar selama enam bulan untuk berkumpul bersama Kristian pribumi untuk bersatu menyeru Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak mengeluarkan kenyataan berkenaan penggunaan kalimah Allah untuk Kristian Bumiputera.
"Kita mahu PM cakap sesuatu. Beliau bukan PM Melayu sahaja, tetapi PM semua orang," kata Pengerusi PAN, Esther Golingi kepada The Malaysian Insider.
PAN mengambil semangat Kadazan Dusun Murut lama ketika perang, Mamangkis yang digunakan oleh nenek moyang mereka untuk menghimpunkan pahlawan untuk berperang.
Golingi bagaimanapun berkata, seruan sekarang adalah dalam bentuk konteks sebagai Kristian seruan untuk bangkit semula.
PAN akan mengadakan mamangkis di Ranau pada Jumaat ini sebagai sebahagian daripada program mereka dengan sasaran ratusan Kristian akan turut serta. - 23 Januari, 2014.
Sabah Christians band together to stop conversions to Islam
A Christian group, representing various denominations in Sabah, is embarking on a major religious revival campaign following dubious attempts to convert some of their flock to Islam.
Perpaduan Anak Negeri Sabah (PAN) will go on a six-month campaign to gather indigenous Christians to unite and urge Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak to speak up on the “Allah” issue for Christian Bumiputeras.
“We want the PM to say something. He is not a PM for the Malays only but a PM for everyone,” PAN chairperson Esther Golingi told The Malaysian Insider.
PAN is reviving the spirit of an old Kadazan Dusun Murut war cry “mamangkis” which was a used by their ancestors to rally warrior troops for battle.
However, Golingi said the calls now are being “contextualised as a Christian clarion call for revival.”
PAN will hold a mamangkis event in Ranau tomorrow as part of its statewide programme. It expects several hundred Christians to turn up.
PAN’s mobilisation effort comes amid reports of a group of about 64 people, including children, from three villages in the remote Pitas district – Kampung Layung Maliau, Dowokon and Sosop – being tricked into converting to Islam.
They claimed a neighbour told them “some people from Kuala Lumpur” were offering them “financial assistance” of RM800 but only if they went to Pitas to collect it.
On New Year's Day, they did. Instead of receiving the financial assistance at the Pitas town hall, they claimed they were made to go to a nearby mosque instead.
There the villagers were given RM100 and asked to put their thumbprint on a document. They were then told to stand in a line and recite some "foreign words".
The villagers claimed they only realised they were converted when some of them brought home the document and showed it to their church leaders.
Upset over broken promises by Putrajaya to Sabah when Malaysia was first formed, PAN said that it is worried that the religious freedom guaranteed in the Federal Constitution was no longer being upheld.
“We hold nothing against Islam if it was embraced with free choice. But we condemn such conversions as they were done through deceit, intimidation or bribery,” she said.
“We want to worship God. We want to be united as Christians. With more than 30,000 Sabahans working in the peninsula, what happened to our religious freedom?” said Golingi, adding that Sabahan Christians can no longer carry their Malay language Bibles, Alkitab, with them when in the peninsula.
“We want to worship God. We want to be united as Christians. With more than 30,000 Sabahans working in the peninsula, what happened to our religious freedom?” said Golingi, adding that Sabahan Christians can no longer carry their Malay language Bibles, Alkitab, with them when in the peninsula.
Groups in Sabah and Sarawak are growing restless over the “Allah” issue as most indigenous tribes, who are Christians, are feeling the religious tension as the issue boils over from the peninsula to the two states.
“Today, we have lost our God-given freedom in every sense of the word. We are not even allowed to refer to God as ‘Allah’ in our liturgical language. Worse, we are not even allowed to teach our children and their children about God, whom they know as ‘Allah’, the almighty creator of the universe and all that is in it.”
Golingi said that religion was now used as a political tool and that Malaysia should go back to basics.
“We need to uphold the Constitution of our land and it says we have our freedom of religion. Freedom of religion means freedom of religion.”
Religious tension between Muslims and Christians in the country heightened after the Selangor Religious Affairs Department (Jais) seized some 300 copies of the Bible in Malay and Iban.
The raiding party also detained BSM chairman Lee Min Choon and manager Sinclair Wong.
Following that, Muslim groups had protested near a church in Klang against the right of Malay-speaking Christians to worship in Bahasa Malaysia using the word “Allah”.
Prior to the 2011 Sarawak elections, Putrajaya had endorsed a 10-point solution to allow Christians in Sabah and Sarawak to use “Allah” in the Malay version of the Bible, which was negotiated by Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Idris Jala.
The editor of Catholic weekly Herald Rev Father Lawrence Andrew is being investigated for sedition after he had been reported by The Malaysian Insider as saying that churches in Selangor would continue using the word “Allah” during their Bahasa Malaysia services.
His statement was in response to Jais's announcement that it would write to all churches in Selangor and tell them not to use the word "Allah" in their worship and publication.
Last week, church leaders of various denominations had come out to say that they were united with the Catholic church on the stand that Bahasa Malaysia-speaking Christians should be allowed to use the word "Allah" in their worship.
Throughout this, Putrajaya has kept silent on the issue even as Christians looked to Idris Jala for an explanation.
Christians form about 9% of Malaysia's 29 million population. Almost two-thirds of Christians in Malaysia are Bumiputera and are largely based in Sabah and Sarawak, where they routinely use Bahasa Malaysia and indigenous languages in their religious practices, including describing God as “Allah” in their prayers and holy book.
Besides the Bumiputera Christians from Sabah and Sarawak, some of whom have moved to the peninsula to live and work, Orang Asli Christians in the peninsula also typically use Bahasa Malaysia in their worship. – January 23, 2014.
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
The 7 Deadly Sins
Pride is excessive belief in one's own abilities, that interferes with the individual's recognition of the grace of God. It has been called the sin from which all others arise. Pride is also known as Vanity.
Envy is the desire for others' traits, status, abilities, or situation.
Gluttony is an inordinate desire to consume more than that which one requires.
Lust is an inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body.
Anger is manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury. It is also known as Wrath.
Greed is the desire for material wealth or gain, ignoring the realm of the spiritual. It is also called Avarice or Covetousness.
Sloth is the avoidance of physical or spiritual work.
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